Well, he doesn't really have to disguise himself as an angel of light, because he is an angel, and what he did in his rebellion did not alter his appearance. Since they can take the form of men, and since many have entertained angels unaware, and since they can breed with human beings, and remain unseen if they wish, I take them to be a formidable foe against whom, without God, we would exist only to be tortured, eaten and killed.
Satan can appear as an angel of light, to us (notably to Mohammad and Joseph Smith), but he can never again be an angel of light. He lost his home, and he's going to the lake of fire, forever, and he knows it.
His Hail Mary play is to tech up humanity and hope against hope we find a way to take out God.
Without God knowing about it, before God made the world.
His rebellion failed before it started.