Operation FIDDLER: in this well-known expression, Rome's emperor, the decadent and unpopular Nero, “fiddled while Rome burned.”
Op Fiddler has 9 Missions (Post 836)
Correlates w/ Q's statement (Post 2991)
"Mission 2-9 Complete"
The Bridge 2= @Snowden
The Link = FB. GOOG, YT, Twitter (Post 834)
The above parties have been working together as integral parts of C-A op Fiddler, transferring US Nat'l Security/Tech Data for awhile now to CHINA & RUSSIA, RUSSIA RUSSIA & NK (HRC, U1, NK, SAP Programs, OPM breach, etc). This is why ES went to NK to set up C-link personally. On this metadata transfer super highway the above parties have conspired to set up, C_A's malware (KeyStone) is surely being to grab difficult to access data along the way.
Mission 9 >Censorship algorithm across all social media platforms set up by The Bridge 2 ( @SNowden) The LINK (FB GOOG YT TWIT)
In Post 2984, the C-A & AMZN current "enterprise" push to have all large US corporations move their data to the CLOUD. CLOUD MIGRATION is the transferring of all their legacy metadata/IP/trade secrets for so-called "cybersecurity" protection purposes. In actual fact it's C_A opp using it's big-tech offshoot AMZN (Oracle, others?) to transfer/sell via pay-to-play this US Gov/corporate metadata to CHINA, CHINA CHINA.
This paints a picture of a BIG DATA Transfer version of the "Sum of All Fears" – a final hollowing out of not only US Nat'l Security Info and the literal wealth of the US (IP, corp trade secrets, economic activity, etc)but also the metadata of targeted US citizens, and a billion more int'l citizens ww.
The End is Near For YOU