I can think of a good place….do not ever post again.
Stop killing your brain.
Stop posting this fake ass shit.
The fucking picture is not Abraham Finkelstein.
This is total fucking bullshit.
The statements in the video do not check out.
Not one fucking thing checks out.
Why do you fucks insist on calling everyone a fucking kike?
To be a kike, one must be a kike.
I am a Christian.
I like the truth.
I do not like fucking hoaxes.
You must like hoaxes.
People who like hoaxes are delusional.
You must be delusional.
What ever you say bitch.
I believe in Jesus Christ the Almighty Son of God who died on the Cross as payment for my sins.
Jews will not say that.
Fuck off.
Yes - the USDA is in on it too.
They are secretly slipping the baby parts into your Big Mac.
You probably believe Sara Ruth Asscrack too.
I love Jesus.
Jews hate Jesus.
Because I love Jesus, I cannot be a Jew.
You need to lay off the drugs.
Seriously Tracy.
Panther Eyes.
You are a fucking lunatic.
Got it.
I believe wholeheartedly in Rev 2:9 and 3:9.
Fuck the Khazarians.
Next question.
Guess what, There is no human meat at McDonalds or any other fast food joint.
I love this.
I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior on June 18, 1973 when I was 13 years old.
Enjoy your hoax.
I am the good old Baptist type.
You should run down to McDonalds and get to the fucking bottom of this
Video it.
Post it here.
I am sure they will come clean.
Play the video for them.
The motherfucker has posted every bread for the last two weeks.
I am convinced it is the same person posting the JFKjr posts.
I am not JIDF
I am not triggered by the content.
I am triggered by people posting fucking hoaxes here and they make to the mainstream on social media like the "picture of epstein island burning" last bread.
No I am not.
I am saying that when you spread obvious false shit about baby rapists and murderers, when REAL FUCKING facts come out - people do not know what to believe.
Kinda like making DEEP FAKE videos.
It is a fucking hoax, Jews are not putting human meat into quarter pounders.
You are fucking insane, and want nothing to do with truth. Real truth.
You are a fucking larp, go suck Defangos dick.
See ya next bread. When I filter ya bread after bread.
I knew it was you Monty.
This is your MO.
What a dumb fuck you are.
Have a drink, and you know, hit that meth again.
You sorry ass piece of shit.
I knew it was you.
Thats ok Monty.
Cryptographers have a place in hell also.
What a fucking waste of oxygen you are.
Must be true. The galactic connection is reporting it.