Anonymous ID: f7a18f March 8, 2019, 4:55 p.m. No.5581939   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1956 >>2336

I just got pretty high, meditated and wrote this. I don't know where else to go with it


when some people are children they literally have another voice in their head guiding them on. literally telepathy. we are all one.

its called a "conscience"

some of them have names


the kids dont think of it

because they always just call it "their conscience"

and because of the cabal

what they do to us

poison us

put very nasty things in our food

pollute our air

we go from service to others

to service to self

the cabal is fucking tricky

they get us to agree to all of this bullshit

putting the actual information just out there

right in front of everyone's eyes.

enough not to technically fuck with our free will

all of the symbology.

well I say enough is enough

we reject you

we are one mind

one people

we are all

and we are one


what you have not been told is first you need to look deep into yourself

when jesus says to "love thy neighbor as thyself" he is meaning a lot more, that people back then just kind of understood

in order to love, you first need to understand


You need to understan your mind

the cabal has played a god damn trick on us

you don't understand how shitty the msm really is

they are made specifically in order to teach you to confuse what you love with what you want

you want a shiny car

that is technically then something you latch onto and see more of a self. it's more of a self-worship than LOVE OF ALL, which is what was lost in translation of the corrupted ten commandments


you never actually think about love


thinking about love means introspection

think back upon your life


all of the absolute worst times


and all of the absolute best times


those are things you love


not things you want


your goal in life is to repeat those experiences as much as possilbe in your lifetime

that is the meaning of life.








in order to forgive yourself you need to know thyself

Why are you here? What do you really want to do out of life? What are you dong to accomplish that?

Do you want to help out your fellow man?

Are you really putting in your best effort to improve yourself?

You know what you need to do deep down.

You need to improve your health. Your body.

Stop eating that bullshit.

Learn to cook.

Eating well is actually delicious and cheap. Recipes are everywhere. You can't keep up because you're tired? You're tired because you keep doing this to yourselves.

When you fix your life, you'll have more energy. Get your shit in order at home.

Clean your house

Organize your shit

You love your home, your neighbor, your city, your town as thy selves. Learn to love the very ground you walk upon.

Love them as you would love yourself

you want to take care of everything around you as well as you take care of yourself

when you put in the effort, the effort becomes easier

why are you embracing sloth

service to self

you know you hate it?

living in filth

The more positive effort you put into your life

the more you get out

it is hard at first

but if you get to understand your mind. Your soul. what you believe and why

and you understand your body and what it does and why

and that means you need to get healthy and use your body

whoever said jesus never sinned didn't know him too well at first

but lately ive gotten in touch with myself

ive been trying very hard to fix myself admits this poison

in the end

take the time to think

we are all one

and if you help others

you help yourself

you will notice the self improving in bounds and strides when you love and take care of thy neighbor, thy world, thy everything, as THYSELF

first in order to love yourself, you have to know what you really want in life.