Anonymous ID: 1bc1ba March 8, 2019, 6:02 p.m. No.5582729   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Maybe this will send anons looking deeper? Anon looking into voter fraud perhaps. VOTER Fraud that POTUS often directs us to?



This is fishy to me: SSI #s, medicare, medicaid, organ transplants, kids….all can be affected? Hidden? Could Obama admin created a sneaky way to get votes with this?


alot of different areas for fraud with this action? Senator Bill Nelson, Democrat of Florida is responsible for this including others, but he is key.



This is fishy to me: Happend 2011


+++For a decade, the Social Security master file routinely included records provided by the states. But last year, (2011) after reports that the widespread availability of death records was facilitating identity theft, the Social Security Administration determined that it had been improperly releasing the state records as part of the file.


Under a 1983 law, the agency concluded, those state records — but only those records — were exempted from public disclosure. They could, however, be made available to other federal agencies, like the Internal Revenue Service and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, that needed them to determine whether to pay or discontinue benefits.


As a result, four million deaths were expunged from the publicly available master file last November. Social Security officials expect the number of deaths disclosed each year — 2.8 million were made public in 2010 — to decrease by one million.+++




Since 1980 we could look at the record. Not today. SSI numbers death Index



+++Four million deaths were expunged from the publicly available master file in 2011?+++



Just in time for elections? Including current day. Politicians involved are sketchy.



My brain is going to the converstions throughout the article.:


When I hear SSI numbers I think Illegals, voting, government services, employment, medicaid benefits, other benefits.SSI and VOTING stands out.



NYT is suspicious in what it is telling us about, we may have overlooked from 2012, one year after the four million expunged. Year 2011.



Election year 2012. Obama wins.

Anonymous ID: 1bc1ba March 8, 2019, 6:03 p.m. No.5582737   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2905 >>2928 >>3034 >>3276 >>3328 >>3438




First question, why not just remove most of the SSI number from viewing instead of taking all of the info away?



Did someone take those names and SSI for use in fraud on a massive scale, voting perhaps?



Something seems fishy here?



+++A rich trove for researchers not easily accesible since 2014. Without an updated national index, it can be difficult to track those who have moved repeatedly or perhaps died alone.+++




Should be looked into:


SSI numbers expunged, why , wher now those #'s, stolen and then used by ILLEGALS?


Who in the first place in government can gather them all up?


Nice way to take eyes off if someone is funneling dead people SSI's after 2014 until current day non viewing policy


for voter registration?



And ORGANS transplants…not sure where I am going with this, but my tingles are tingling since this is in the article.



This seems odd and interesting considering ORGANS as a reasoning to shut down the access to the SSI death index. Tracking of people and deaths not so trackable?



I understand the whole fraud angle, but seems suspicious to me relating to Organ transplants. Then my brain thinks illegals need SSI's that are not being easily seen on the database as of now.



No sauce, but maybe other anons will look into futher onthe topic?



Happened during Obama Admin.



This from one article stood out to me:



((( a research group that produces reports on organ transplant survival rates is facing delays because of the extra work it must do to determine whether patients are still alive. The federal agency that runs Medicare uses the data to determine whether some transplant programs have such poor track records that they should be cut off from government financing.)))



and this: ((( Other medical researchers, including those conducting long-term federally financed studies of cancer and cardiovascular treatments, said the changes imposed last November were now slowing their work significantly. And a spokesman for financial industries like life insurance, banking and creditservices said the change was making it more difficult to detect identity thieves who steal names and Social Security numbers from the deceased.)))



Article also includes two fishy Senators Bill Neslon from FL……yes that guy and Sam Johnson, Republican of Texas.



((( Representative Sam Johnson, Republican of Texas, has introduced legislation to end the public disclosure of the master file altogether. Senator Bill Nelson, Democrat of Florida, has proposed a bill that would keep death records private until three years after a person died.


Mr. Johnson seems unmoved by the researchers’ plight or by the argument that his bill would hobble the detection of consumer fraud even as it seeks to disarm the thieves.)))



BUT what if the real thieves are the representatives and for what use???



THIS is concerning: (((a spokesman for financial industries like life insurance, banking and creditservices said the change was making it more difficult to detect identity thieves who steal names and Social Security numbers from the deceased.)))



HMMM? any one else thinking great way tosteal elections and government services to illegals?



Lots here to consider. Only one article read and I have a feeling this will be a deep hole in light of the timing and what SSI's can be used for, especially if not easily researchable as they once were, prior to Obama administraton.




Anonymous ID: 1bc1ba March 8, 2019, 6:04 p.m. No.5582760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2809 >>3220 >>3257 >>3413 >>3512

Maybe this will send anons looking deeper? Anon looking into voter fraud perhaps. VOTER Fraud that POTUS often directs us to?



This is fishy to me: SSI #s, medicare, medicaid, organ transplants, kids….all can be affected? Hidden? Could Obama admin created a sneaky way to get votes with this?


alot of different areas for fraud with this action? Senator Bill Nelson, Democrat of Florida is responsible for this including others, but he is key.



This is fishy to me: Happend 2011


+++For a decade, the Social Security master file routinely included records provided by the states. But last year, (2011) after reports that the widespread availability of death records was facilitating identity theft, the Social Security Administration determined that it had been improperly releasing the state records as part of the file.


Under a 1983 law, the agency concluded, those state records — but only those records — were exempted from public disclosure. They could, however, be made available to other federal agencies, like the Internal Revenue Service and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, that needed them to determine whether to pay or discontinue benefits.


As a result, four million deaths were expunged from the publicly available master file last November. Social Security officials expect the number of deaths disclosed each year — 2.8 million were made public in 2010 — to decrease by one million.+++




Since 1980 we could look at the record. Not today. SSI numbers death Index



+++Four million deaths were expunged from the publicly available master file in 2011?+++



Just in time for elections? Including current day. Politicians involved are sketchy.



My brain is going to the converstions throughout the article.:


When I hear SSI numbers I think Illegals, voting, government services, employment, medicaid benefits, other benefits.SSI and VOTING stands out.



NYT is suspicious in what it is telling us about, we may have overlooked from 2012, one year after the four million expunged. Year 2011.



Election year 2012. Obama wins.

Anonymous ID: 1bc1ba March 8, 2019, 6:14 p.m. No.5582894   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I also wonder about kids under CPS and thier SSI's, deaths…..were they part of the expunged? Orphans have no one looking out for them, easy to "expunge" without a lot of lookie-loos? Three years until someone can see the info. Bill Nelson FL behind this. We all know how much shit in FL.

Anonymous ID: 1bc1ba March 8, 2019, 6:18 p.m. No.5582955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2979 >>2998 >>3003 >>3014 >>3206


sorry Newfag on the board. trying to gifure it all out. Q since Nov 2017 . The spacing was an accident. Lurking a long time, but the actual posting is acurve forme….please bear with me. I have a lot of juicy stuff from over a year I am working on, details are long, so I am hesitant to post…..I make big mistakes. What I have found is really juicy though. Y and GUTS and red shoes and seperate Vegas. Trying to shorten it. advice to get it out but in long form ? advice anon?

Anonymous ID: 1bc1ba March 8, 2019, 6:23 p.m. No.5583061   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3102 >>3160


I just understood your "hello reddit"…yeah I get it….but I used to post there and my information got lots of eyes. If you would prefer I just stop digging what a waste. What I am finding is not like a lot of shit on this board. If I wait to get better and just go to reddit, many of you really good anons may miss out on important finds. why are you trying to shut me down. second day of posting. I am trying to figure a way to get the details shortened on what I have….cut me a damn break man. A lot of F*ckers here drop useless crap. Do you really want me to leave, or just respect I am a new enlisted HERE on this board who will be a sniper soon.

I say hi next time you see a notable. :)

Anonymous ID: 1bc1ba March 8, 2019, 6:30 p.m. No.5583156   🗄️.is 🔗kun

seriously you guys are fuckers. you don't bother me. BUT IS THE INFO any good… probably didn't even read……just fucking around. I see you. Are you even considering what it could mean or just able to be a dick today? Not mad at ya…but I bet you have small dicks. Not leaving…get over the mistakes.

Anonymous ID: 1bc1ba March 8, 2019, 6:36 p.m. No.5583246   🗄️.is 🔗kun


imagine how nuts the board would have been if it read "17" felonies…..

Anonymous ID: 1bc1ba March 8, 2019, 6:44 p.m. No.5583407   🗄️.is 🔗kun


last bread, previous bread…..use it to let others know what you are talking about, your psot is about a previous bread post or last bread. Makes easier for the reader especially on a cell phone to know what you might be talking about, so include when neccesary when you post your comment in a new bread.