Anonymous ID: 6477a1 March 8, 2019, 6:12 p.m. No.5582871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2893 >>2935 >>2948 >>3103 >>3257 >>3260 >>3413

DS burning it's tracks:


The House on St. Charles street from the CDAN thread was burned down. It was used as a cabal honeypot. (pizzagate)


submitted today



CDAN wrote on it yesterday.


Original CDAN thread.


Today's Blind Items - St. Charles House Of Horrors



twit -


cdan - and


nola -


pr -


bollywoodmantra -


People in the comments believe this was the house. It was burned down on February 20.


Historic St. Charles Avenue home burns in 7-alarm fire


Video of the fire


The cabal just burned down the house they used as a honeypot to film children being raped and other blackmail. They are covering their tracks.


Cdan Comment


It wasn't just a house. It was an altar for Krewe of Rex



Cdan comment:


Christopher Montgomery (Family that owned house on St Charles in NOLA) Helped start the Prodigy Talent Group in 2015 that had an office in Rockledge Florida. Jeffery Epstein related pedophile case? Grandfather type person showing interest to minors…


Business Spotlight: Prodigy Talent Training Address: 634 Barnes Blvd, Suite 202, Rockledge,Fla Owner: Jonathan McFadden Rockledge, FL, January 05, 2017 –(– It’s been a whirlwind past few months for A.J. Peters.


> Only weeks after becoming a student at Prodigy Talent Training in Rockledge, the 12-year-old Port St. John resident was signed by Los Angeles-based talent manager Ryan Glasgow and appeared in the short film “Hostile,” directed by Djuan Ballinger.


Kids are recruited through Twitter, FB and sometimes directly through Email.


> It was a few decades old and I remember on the original CDAN thread people were saying it could of inspired the song "The House on the Rising Sun" :


Michael DeMocker on Twitter: "Video from scene: Fire breaks through the roof of a St Charles Ave mansion as NOFD battles a 5-alarm blaze… "

Anonymous ID: 6477a1 March 8, 2019, 6:17 p.m. No.5582948   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Might be BS /.needs more digs

Anonymous ID: 6477a1 March 8, 2019, 6:26 p.m. No.5583103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3257 >>3413



Here is the original blind and link to comments:


original blind


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Today's Blind Items - St. Charles House Of Horrors


It is still there. It is still owned by the same people who have owned the house for hundreds of years. There is a sprawling house on St. Charles Street in New Orleans that has been used by politicians and celebrities as a secret pleasure den for almost 100 years.


Over the years the owners have remodeled several times. The most recent of these remodels took place within the past decade. Unbeknownst to the various guests of the establishment, each room has been wired for video and sound.


One of the reasons this A+ list mostly movie actor has been drinking himself to death is the video he has seen of himself having sex with a 13 year old girl multiple times over a three week period.


There was a political candidate who had all the backing and money in the world last year on the Republican side. He was then shown a video of himself with two college guys engaged in several hours of sex. After that, the candidate just kind of gave up. He went through the motions, but that was about it. He was given a consolation prize to make sure he is there if they need him.


In the past week, all of this is threatening to come out of the shadows. Apparently one of the masterminds behind it, got into an argument with his father. The father, one of the wealthiest men in the world was killed this week in a freak accident. The thing is though, there was nothing accidental about it.


You know who was a very frequent guest to the house on St. Charles? This disgraced A+ list movie producer. Do you know who helped set him up? This A+ list mostly movie actor who lives down there and heard two separate stories from two A list actress girlfriends who had both been raped by the producer.


That producer led to buzz and more buzz and more noise. It also provided cover for people who were forced out. Want your wife to find out about the sex games you like playing with college girls? Then, now might be a good time to retire.


The house on St. Charles is money central in the South. Super PAC's, movie financing. It is all entwined.


$10M to one Super PAC came from two donations. A movie was filmed in New Orleans last year. Two of the actresses in the movie were, at separate times, provided some information about visits their respective A list husbands had made to the house. The next thing you know, two separate checks had been written. $3M from one A lister and $7M from an A+ lister. Oh, and that A+ lister? He had to couch up another $5M this year. Apparently he is OK with being caught with a guy even though he is in the closet. He does draw the line at him with tween boys though. His actress wife thought it was just guys he liked and not boys. Since she found that out last year, they have spent a total of about 10 days together.


What is the purpose of all of this? I don't know. I do know though it is causing chaos. It will be interesting to see what kind of order comes out of this.


7:38 PM

So Outrageous said…

link for original blind with comments


7:39 PM

Anonymous ID: 6477a1 March 8, 2019, 6:38 p.m. No.5583276   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3413



Spacing fixed. What else ya got?




>First question, why not just remove most of the SSI number from viewing instead of taking all of the info away?


>Did someone take those names and SSI for use in fraud on a massive scale, voting perhaps?


>Something seems fishy here?


>+++A rich trove for researchers not easily accesible since 2014. Without an updated national index, it can be difficult to track those who have moved repeatedly or perhaps died alone.+++


>Should be looked into:


>SSI numbers expunged, why , wher now those #'s, stolen and then used by ILLEGALS?


>Who in the first place in government can gather them all up?


>Nice way to take eyes off if someone is funneling dead people SSI's after 2014 until current day non viewing policy


>for voter registration?


>And ORGANS transplants…not sure where I am going with this, but my tingles are tingling since this is in the article.


>This seems odd and interesting considering ORGANS as a reasoning to shut down the access to the SSI death index. Tracking of people and deaths not so trackable?


>I understand the whole fraud angle, but seems suspicious to me relating to Organ transplants. Then my brain thinks illegals need SSI's that are not being easily seen on the database as of now.


>No sauce, but maybe other anons will look into futher onthe topic?


>Happened during Obama Admin.


>This from one article stood out to me:


>((( a research group that produces reports on organ transplant survival rates is facing delays because of the extra work it must do to determine whether patients are still alive. The federal agency that runs Medicare uses the data to determine whether some transplant programs have such poor track records that they should be cut off from government financing.)))


>and this: ((( Other medical researchers, including those conducting long-term federally financed studies of cancer and cardiovascular treatments, said the changes imposed last November were now slowing their work significantly. And a spokesman for financial industries like life insurance, banking and creditservices said the change was making it more difficult to detect identity thieves who steal names and Social Security numbers from the deceased.)))


>Article also includes two fishy Senators Bill Neslon from FL……yes that guy and Sam Johnson, Republican of Texas.


>((( Representative Sam Johnson, Republican of Texas, has introduced legislation to end the public disclosure of the master file altogether. Senator Bill Nelson, Democrat of Florida, has proposed a bill that would keep death records private until three years after a person died.


>Mr. Johnson seems unmoved by the researchers’ plight or by the argument that his bill would hobble the detection of consumer fraud even as it seeks to disarm the thieves.)))


>BUT what if the real thieves are the representatives and for what use???


>THIS is concerning: (((a spokesman for financial industries like life insurance, banking and creditservices said the change was making it more difficult to detect identity thieves who steal names and Social Security numbers from the deceased.)))


>HMMM? any one else thinking great way tosteal elections and government services to illegals?


>Lots here to consider. Only one article read and I have a feeling this will be a deep hole in light of the timing and what SSI's can be used for, especially if not easily researchable as they once were, prior to Obama administraton.











