> tell me again what hurts Russia the most?
It would hurt Russia's economy badly, if the sanctions were suddenly lifted. Playing the bad boy, helps with having the sanctions prolonged.
I'm quoting an anonymous random person from the internet here. He answered the question, why antifa is so violent:
"It’s because the leftists are losing the culture war, and they know it.
It’s also being facilitated by pro-establishment outlets in the media, who refuse to label the group as terrorists despite ANTIFA fitting that definition perfectly. The establishment’s desire is to face as little opposition as is possible, they do this by suppressing the common voice. ANTIFA are useful idiots who are so bent on protecting one another’s feelings and sensibilities, so hostile and toxic in their bubbles, that they are willing to commit acts of violence against those they have failed to defeat with ideology. They’re drones that are doing exactly what the establishment want them to do: to attempt to deligitimise Donal Trump’s presidency.
I’m sure you can see the irony, that the so-called ‘anti-fascists’ are fighting against a democratically elected president and are assaulting all those who disagree. Not only that but they fit their own definition of fascist as stated by their de facto leader Yvette Felarca: “[a fascist] is someone who’s committing violence and someone who’s trying to organise others to commit violence” during an interview with Tucker Carlson after they shut down Milo Yiannopoulos. They are doing that very thing. In fact, the far right hadn’t done anything remotely fascistic until they began responding to assaults and violence from ANTIFA rallies.
If you want the ‘mechanical’ answer to why they are as violent as they are, it’s to do with tribalism and cult behaviour. Get enough people together that believe the same thing and they will become fearless, that’s why they always run away after assaulting someone if they are operating on their own. Strength in numbers so to speak, though they are far less hostile when they get pulled away from their groups into a crowd of their opponents because they lose the strength of the collective (they are mostly Marxists after all). They are also completely unreasonable, many members of ANTIFA and BAMN (By Any Means Necessary, who are equally repugnant) are recruited as disenfranchised youths who run from home, who senior members encourage to cut all outside contact with family and friends and to pledge themselves to their cause. For more on cult behaviour I highly recommend Deikman’s The Wrong Way Home: Uncovering the Patterns of Cult Behaviour in American Society."
Antifa/ BLM/ COD (Crowds on Demand):
"The truth is over 90% of the people who show up in all the protests in the US are literally paid protesters hired by Leftist political companies such as Crowds on Demand and a handful of others via Craig’s List, or other on-line advertising sites such as Google, and even local newspapers."
In reality, both BLM and ANTIFA do not even have a fraction of the number of members they want us to believe they do and would be nothing but a handful of NWO neo-Nazis with no voice if not for the help given to them by COD(Crowds On Demand) and other activist organizers.
If we are to bust these two anti-American groups, we must start at their avenues of success like COD and all the internet sites who carry their ads for domestic terrorism.
These organizers for terrorism must be held accountable for all damages, injuries, and deaths associated with every violent demonstration and riot since the Ferguson riots."
No, social media didn't create Antifa.
Antifa existed long before social media.
It was founded in Mussolini's Italy.
And nobody likes them. They are paid storm troops to act violently against groups that oppose the plans of the elites.
This is the reason, why nobody (MSM, politician, clergy) is calling antifa out.
They know that antifa is paid for by the elites to terrorize the citizens and make them shut up.
"In the US and Canada, the Anti-Racist Action Network sprang up around the same time in the 1980s in a similarly loose and decentralized state that antifa exists in today."
Exactly. Let Q place his little riddles, but don't hunt for cobwebs.
If Q wants to make himself understood, he will need to speak clearly.
Like with these four booms.
This is ridiculous to post this and it is ridiculous to interpret this.
It could mean everything and nothing.
I'll take another approach here: If the "Bill of Rights" doesn't exclude certain realms, it applies.
(I'm German)
The original "Bill of Rights" applies to the people's right to freedom of speech.
Does the original "Bill of Rights" exclude certain realms from this? Does freedom of speech not apply to people on newspapers, busses, talk shows?
No? Well, then it has to be a right on the internet too.
Freedom of speech is connected to the individual and not to platforms, where individuals are speaking.
I'm watching people here doing this. Not all, but some…