Anonymous ID: 15503b March 8, 2019, 8:09 p.m. No.5584726   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4787 >>4809



Vehicle locked up it's brakes, was not accelerating. Remote shutdown?


Working article:

Anonymous ID: 15503b March 8, 2019, 8:21 p.m. No.5584892   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4907 >>4929





Here's a dig from voat on Smollet family history.


MK Ultra beta Bitch



Juicy J and The King: Smollett's Are An Clinton Era MkUltra Family Helping Shape The Cultural "Empire" - Yoichi Shimatsu Makes a Pizza


Jussie Smollett's stunt a couple weeks ago has come and gone and has served it's intended purpose as renowned international pedophile hunter and writer Yoichi Shimatsu will illustrate below. The vapor trail that was left behind from this incident has quite a malodorous scent and someone was able to pick up on it's trail to analyze that all is not quite right with what has been left behind. Much of what was and is still going on behind the scenes is very suspect and questionable.


It seems as though Jussie Smollett is surrounded by many of the people in the periphery of PIZZAGATE, namely The Obama's and Hillary Clinton, the infamous CGI (Clinton Global Initiative WITH elitist Clintonista LGBT lobby HRC (Human Rights Campaign) and the faux-liberal leftist and CULT establishment in Hollywood that has been engineering their (licentious and dysfunctional) side for a very long time including David Geffen, Oprah, Ryan Murphy of Glee, Lee Daniels, Tyler Perry and LIONSGATE entertainment to name just a few that end with the Bush/Clinton/Rothschild/Rockefeller/International Banking Cabal and that this stunt may have been part and parcel A MATTER OF MEDIA DEFLECTION, as he was called upon or triggered as a matter of duty as an MkUltra beta (male) sex 'kitten' in the employ of the cult.


"What’s been disclosed so far has been very little about the Jewish immigrant from Russia and Poland who worked as cable splicer, Joel Smollett Sr., the father of 4 sons and 2 daughters, all of them child actors and later producers or musicians. All the Smollet children were featured in the cast of the sit-com “On Our Own” ( A 1994 Sit-Com that's premise was an older sibling cross-dressing as a female to save his siblings from child protective services). Smollett Sr. died from cancer at age 58 on the night that “Empire” premiered on Fox, 5 January 2015, as if by strange destiny.


The given names of the five siblings all begin with a “J”, an instant code for hiring in an American entertainment industry under control of Ashkenazi Jews: Jussie, Jake, Jazz, Jocqui, Jojo and Jurnee. The Kabbalist precedent for the letter “J” is “Yod”, the smallest character of the Hebrew alphabet and symbol of their no-name God. The family J was cast for the Disney movie about the Anaheim hockey team “The Mighty Ducks”. Hello, you little child actors, who wants to chase after a puck? The lack of physical resemblance between the J kids, skin tones ranges from high yellow to deep ochre, raises some disturbing questions, which I shall leave to the end of this crime analysis. All anyone knows about their daddy is that the kids refer to him as The King."


Who's immediate purpose was to deflect from GAY RICH WHITE DEMOCRATIC FUNDRAISER AND SERIAL BLACK MURDERER ED BUCK, among other things.


Yoichi also implies that his entire family was manufactured for the purpose of supporting the goals of the cult, as pointed out by his piece entitled:


"Smollett's Self-Assault Warded Off A Satanic Cult in Black Hollywood"


Featured on here:


!!! Please read the entire article for a better understanding of this entire thread !!!


Pizza Brazilian-style


Now let’s lower all those gooey strings of cheese down onto a bed of crust and red sauce for this latest addition to our Pizzagate menu spiced up with peppery Satanic hot sauce from Brazil. The comedienne Mo’nique, who starred as the abusive mother in “Precious” has seen her career evaporate due to her refusal to surrender one of her children for a child sacrifice by the black voodoo ring that rules the hip hop scene. She’s complained of being blackballed by Oprah Winfrey, Lee Daniels and cross-dresser Tyler Perry, and has publicly stated that she is slated to be murdered by the Hollywood cabal. Remember Tupac Shakur, folks, cause the killing’s just beginning.

Anonymous ID: 15503b March 8, 2019, 8:22 p.m. No.5584907   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4943


What has this voodoo cult scandal have to do with Jussie Smollet? For starters, at age 19 he landed his first major role in “The Skinny”, a film about 4 gay male students and one lesbian at Brown University on a weekend in New York City, which was directed by the extremely disturbed black gay director named Patrik Ian-Polk. The Mississippi-born indie director later released “Black Bird” starring Mo’Nique and co-produced by British-Caribbean gay talent Rikki Beadle-Blair, who was awarded an MBE by the Queen (that stands for Member of the Order of the British Empire)


What could Mo’Nique and other frightened talents be so fearful of? Human sacrifice, usually children, to certain gods of the voodoo pantheon, for example, Kalfu the god of darkness and conspiracy who is the equivalent of Satan or the powerful death goddess Brigitte, who cannot be appeased with a decapitated chicken or stuck pig but demands a more powerful sacrifice. Perverse forms of the old African folk magic are flourishing across the tropical Americas, and merging with the Luciferian beliefs of the Illuminati, as the puritanical ethics of the European Christianity collapse under the secularism of the Jewish commercial class and its crass materialistic values. Following that shining example from the late Roman Empire set by the Bishop of Carthage and Hippo Augustine, those among us who intend to prevent the collapse of Western civilization now face the same challenge of standing down the occult belief systems or another Dark Age will surely engulf the world.


Now that the heat on the cheese, sausages and herbs is starting to puddle into a pizza, it’s time to toss on the chile peppers. The oldest Smollett sibling Jussie was born in Santa Rosa, Rio Grande do Sul, which is the heartland of Brazil’s blood sacrifice cult known as Oro, or by anthropologists “Candomble”, which has a sharper edge than Louisiana Voodoo. The southernmost region of Brazil, which is closer to Buenos Aires and Montevideo, Uruguay, than to Rio or Sao Paolo, was ruled by the Jesuit order until national independence. That region was one of the secret routes for the postwar “rat lines” for SS officers and their Jewish collaborators on medical experiments in the labor camps, leaving a legacy of organ harvesting and child abductions that continues to this very minute.


So what about the whereabouts of Papa Joel Smollett en route from Eastern Europe through Latin America on his journey to Southern California, as indicated by the June 1983 birth date of Jussie, born in Brazil and later issued a birth certificate in Santa Rosa, California, another fake American like Barack Obama. Called The King by his brood, there is no trace on record of Joel’s mystery years, when the Russian Mafia was emerging out of a collapsing Soviet Union in inextricable economic crisis, at the same time that organ trafficking and the child-sex trade were growing like wild vines in the Brazilian jungles.


Recently, we have been witness to a bevy of threaded investigations here at VOAT PIZZAGATE that connect all of the same names in this conspiracy and this one is no different. Within the revelations we have come across considering the old, and the new trafficking routes along the Caribbean Sea, the celebrities that own personal islands there like Oprah, Johnny Depp, David Copperfield, Tim McGraw and Kenny Chesney, the controversies that surround CDAN, David Geffen and Glee producer Ryan Murphy, Marc Salling and HAITIAN child porn , and all of the controversies surrounding Jeffrey Epstein and those personalities like Kit Laybourne in his Little Black Book (and his connections to Oprah) and this "John of God", are we really that surprised to see an actual MKULTRA manufactured INDUSTRY family IN-ACTION?


Of course not. Now that you know.


For what it's worth Q did say they turned some of them into stars. I do believe that him and his family are certainly one of those cases.


By orchestrating this staged attack, Smollett was aiming for police protection for himself and the children of his siblings against the demands of voodoo cultists for child-sacrifice victims, as has already been experienced by one of his co-stars, the comedienne Mo’Nique (also molested as a child by the cult) (who has had similar run-insYouTube with the same particular group of people) AND attempting to create the tension that might appease his masters.


The name of the game is multiple angles and goals with lots of chaos and confusion the connections don't end there…

Anonymous ID: 15503b March 8, 2019, 8:24 p.m. No.5584943   🗄️.is 🔗kun




[–] shewhomustbeobeyed 0 points (+0|-0) 4 hours ago


rense - and


wordpress -




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[–] ASolo [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 4.4 hours ago (edited 4.4 hours ago)


"What’s been disclosed so far has been very little about the Jewish immigrant from Russia and Poland who worked as cable splicer, Joel Smollett Sr., the father of 4 sons and 2 daughters, all of them child actors and later producers or musicians. All the Smollet children were featured in the cast of the sit-com “On Our Own” ( A 1994 Sit-Com that's premise was an older sibling cross-dressing as a female to save his siblings from child protective services). Smollett Sr. died from cancer at age 58 on the night that “Empire” premiered on Fox, 5 January 2015, as if by strange destiny.


I ran into a couple interesting tidbits and discussions that implied that "On Our Own" actually PRECEDED both Medea AND Doubtfire, fueling the debate as to whether or not the pilot episode of this show was the inspiration for Tyler Perry's multimillion dollar empire of crossdressing films…


Well you know what, it might have been the inspiration for Tyler Perry we'll never know but somehow I doubt it because the show was actually a PRODUCTION of a subsidiary of Warner-brothers that bought out an old studio called Miller-Boyett the production company that mainly developed television sitcoms from the 1970s through the 1990s that was responsible for family-oriented hit series such as Bosom Buddies, Happy Days, Full House, Perfect Strangers, Mork & Mindy, Laverne & Shirley, Family Matters and Step by Step.


There you go, TOM HANKS (Robin Williams too! Full House? Omg) when they pushed him to start broadcasting crossdressing nationally to Gen xer's.


link reply …


[–] ASolo [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 4.9 hours ago (edited 4.9 hours ago)


Another point that I wanted to make about Yoichi's article is that he points out that Jussie's legal team is a list of some very high powered names also connected to many of the operations the Clintons needed lawyers for their entire lives, suggesting that there is an official sanction somewhere for this incident.


There are just too many data points that correlate with PIZZAGATE to cover about some of the interesting nuances Yoichi Shimatsu points out in his essay, very intriguing and thought provoking.