Anonymous ID: a4c28d March 8, 2019, 10:55 p.m. No.5586657   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6791 >>6903 >>7304

'Decisive act': Yellow vests plan Paris sit-in and protest at Chas DeGaulle airport

8 March 2019


Another weekend, another yellow vest protest in France. This weekend the gilets jaunes are promising a "decisive act" that will last three days and also feature a flash protest at Charles De Gaulle airport.


To combat any protest fatigue, organisers have devised original new methods to highlight their anti-government manifesto. This weekend there will be sit-ins and flash protests….


In Paris, rather than the usual Saturday demonstrations, there is a sit-in planned at the Champ de Mars', near the Eiffel Tower throughout the weekend.


The idea is for protesters to invade the park and refuse to budge. A Facebook event has been created to promote this, called "Decisive Act: WE WILL NOT Move!”……


At Charles de Gaulle airport to the north of Paris, yellow vest protesters say they will wander peacefully through Terminal 1 of the airport to protest against the privatization project of ADP (Aéroports de Paris).


According to the Facebook event, it is a question of walking discreetly and without a vest in the terminal, until some music plays at 1pm and they all simultaneously put on their vests…….


GARDA schedule of Yellow Vests Events March 8-10


Rallies are expected at various locations throughout the capital Paris, with the main rally, organized as a sit-in protest, expected to take place on the Champ-de-Mars from 18:30 (local time) on Friday, March 8, through Sunday evening, March 10.


Additional demonstrations are planned on Saturday, March 9, at Place du Maréchal Juin at 10:00 (local time), at the Arc de Triomphe at 10:30, on the Avenue des Champs-Elysées at 11:00, in the Terminal 1 of Roissy Charles de Gaulle (CDG) airport at 12:00 and at Place de la République at 14:00. Moreover, demonstrators are also expected to march on Saturday from the Arc de Triomphe to Place Edmond Rostand beginning at 11:00 via the Champs-Elysées, Place de la Madeleine, Rue Saint Honoré, Place du Palais Royal, Place du Carrousel du Louvre, Pont du Carrousel, Place Saint Michel, and Boulevard Saint Michel.


See CAP for other cities.

Anonymous ID: a4c28d March 8, 2019, 11:02 p.m. No.5586719   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6733 >>6739


Welcome, friend. You don't need to read one year of posts! They just tell people that to get their goat.


I lurked for about 10 days and then jumped in. I'm about one generation off from yours, never did social media previously (who wants to post their "status" or do selfies? I never understood). So I did a lot of dumb things. Doesn't really matter, everybody screws up here, even the ones who pretend they don't.

Anonymous ID: a4c28d March 8, 2019, 11:06 p.m. No.5586752   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6756 >>6759 >>6956


Like anons don't slide constantly, especially late at night when we're tired because it's late and we've been working or digging (or trying to sleep)? I come on and shitpost to relax with frens but also look for notables, add caps, or answer newbie questions. Sometimes I do "dig lite", too, if something comes up. We are a community and need to interact at times, can't be digging, etc., 24/7.

Anonymous ID: a4c28d March 8, 2019, 11:10 p.m. No.5586775   🗄️.is 🔗kun


My usual goal is to make higher-quality mistakes! Yes, people get impatient with the waiting. Learning to wait is difficult. Those who know how have gone through stuff in order to learn. Maybe those who are having trouble waiting this time around will be the ones who calm others the next time.

Anonymous ID: a4c28d March 8, 2019, 11:15 p.m. No.5586817   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No, I don't role play, don't get into crap with shills or hostile anons very often. Really happy here, at peace, despite everything. Like good conversation when I can find it. Can be very productive for ongoing digs, if someone is working along the same lines.

Anonymous ID: a4c28d March 8, 2019, 11:22 p.m. No.5586861   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yup, closer to greatest generation. Although boomers like me did not think of them that way when we were kids. People like my parents were pretty stilted emotionally, which is one reason that the 60s generation valued emotions. Families were always so afraid of what the neighbors would think. We couldn't wait to break out of that mold.

Anonymous ID: a4c28d March 8, 2019, 11:37 p.m. No.5586972   🗄️.is 🔗kun


SO many more people are killed under communism. But that never really penetrated into the consciousness of the left. They would not let it. Hated people like David Horowitz who broke away. Somewhere deep inside, they know. They know about the self hatred that is the real driving force on the left. That's why they are now all making proposals that will destroy everything. That impulse was always there. The circumstances have been created that allow it to come out into the open.


If our first revolution was about fighting tyranny, this one will be about fighting hatred. Fighting it with love. Love is the only effective weapon against hatred.


Do not mistake me; real love can be tough love. Very tough, because those who really love know that it does the haters no favor to allow them to continue on and on in behaviors which destroy everything. So there is much firmness there, the ability not to yield. Very different from what the left does, allowing homeless and others to form terrible habit patterns. that's not mercy, it's guilt. They don't live up to their own standards so they let others do the same. Eventually, everything disintegrates that way. That is why we are here–firm in our convictions and desiring justice (eventually) not revenge. Many won't agree with me on that, because the anger can be so great that it takes a long time to work through. Much love to all on this blessed night.

Anonymous ID: a4c28d March 8, 2019, 11:52 p.m. No.5587102   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7124


Totally agree about the timing. DS is now seizing upon whatever they can find at this point. New book? Great, look at how crazy those fags are!!! If there was no book, there would be something else. They've been saying this stuff for over a year, it's just getting more intense as their plans disintegrate.


The most amazing attack is the recent report funded by Soros showing how Q group is messing up the Bavarian elections! Taking over the narrative. Like we sit down and have planning meetings to interfere with their elections. They have no concept of how a group like this operates because they never do anything organic. They probably can't grow a garden, either.


(BTW, I'm happy to let somebody else take the role of Q expert. They're the ones the DS will chase, coz they're so visible. Great to have volunteer decoys.)

Anonymous ID: a4c28d March 8, 2019, 11:56 p.m. No.5587144   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7204


Some start with Hoover Dam bomber guy or lizard guy with a sword. Or stupid Pizzagate, groan. I'm amazed at how many articles drag into Pizzagate (or frazzledrip), and then like Q community came up with them. These guys will say anything.

Anonymous ID: a4c28d March 8, 2019, 11:58 p.m. No.5587159   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Yup, nobody acts this irrationally unless they are in bad trouble. But I pray a lot about this stuff because people like this are dangerous. Prayer makes everything right.

Anonymous ID: a4c28d March 9, 2019, 12:02 a.m. No.5587188   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7238


I say just learn what you are drawn to, anon. I was exposed to gematria a long time ago but realized it wasn't my path to enlightenment. Pick up on the stuff you're good at, and you can serve in the way that suits your nature.

Anonymous ID: a4c28d March 9, 2019, 12:14 a.m. No.5587285   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7297 >>7311

>>5587181, >>5587194 Anon's theory about Securedrop



Thx anon, very intriguing.

There's something very special about Securedrop–everyone who developed it died. And then Assange lost control of it. Here is something I wrote in the fall, perhaps useful for what you are doing?


Questions about Securedrop


In Jan-Feb 2018, the people who were most closely associated with SecureDrop (formerly DeadDrop) die unexpectedly: James Dolan (suicide), Aaron Swartz (suicide), and John Perry Barlow (“heart problems”). Kevin Poulson turns over Securedrop to Freedom of the Press and goes on to work as Senior National Security reporter for The Daily Beast, focusing heavily on Russian election hacking (; this is a Rachel Maddow report; see Poulsen @ ~7:00).


Who currently controls the FPF? Is it the head of PayPal, Pierre Omidyar?


Who controls Paypal? Is it mainly Omidyar? Soros? Soros has owned shares in Paypal since 2015 ( and also uses his lobbying group to remove Paypal access to groups he doesn't like, like InfoWars ( And more recently, Soros may be behind the Paypal ban on Gab (


What's the current situation with SecureDrop (still a data collection tool of C_A)? It now appears to be used by a long list of MSM news organizations (Wikipedia).


When I search on SecureDrop on the Internet, it is still touted as a safe drop for whistleblowers. I wonder how safe it would seem if the public had read Q Posts 628 or 770. (628 tells us that everything dropped into SecureDrop–which is now used by all the MSM–goes straight to the CIA. 770 expands the picture, mentioning that all the original developers or others who "knew too much" are now dead, since Feb 2018, and asks questions about the current controllers of FPF—the Snowden group including Greenwald, Ellsburg and Poitras. Asking "Who controls Snowden?”, Q has implied more than once that Snowden is a marked man.