Anonymous ID: 941021 March 9, 2019, 2:23 a.m. No.5588036   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8058 >>8062 >>8109

Anon book review

My opinion as an anon that dug my way to qresearch from far off in the surface web

QAnon: An Invitation to The Great Awakening


TL;DR the book is a condensed version of what I had to dig through on the surface web to find qresearch..


My beginning first. A friend pointed me to a forums/website that I have never seen

mentioned here since I have been here (~1yr+ almost every day).

Always been a digger finding things tucked away in the hidden corners of networks

and websites.

Found my way to clicked links to get into to the breads, found the index,

found the current bread and proceeded to lurk for a couple of weeks.

While lurking watched many Youtube channels related to Q. Most of them were not

followed long.

Started reading way back (still within the 2 weeks lurking), read most all the top of the bread links,

many old breads, and the crumbs.

With that in mind the book reminds me of the dig process which landed me on qresearch,

where I have stayed since.

• It has interesting information that could definitely draw the curious to look further.

• None of the authors are any I have ever followed. (Joe M. is just transcript of video, and Gen. Flynn is just a quote).

• Continuity is lacking, example: SerialBrain2 describes methods used to decode, but never clearly explains the methods.

• Much of the posts (img) used are Q posts from or

• Stopped reading after SB2…thumbed through the rest

To be honest imho there is nothing in the book that can’t be found here or free.

That doesn't mean there is no value in it adding eyes..even if just from news causing people to look and question.

Got up from readin turned on computer to write this..going to bed for a few hours.

g'nite fam