Anonymous ID: 4124f9 March 9, 2019, 3:51 a.m. No.5588319   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8366

Just came across this video, while doing a little dig on Madonna and the Kabbalah religion.

Someone had posted a video the other day about 9/11 and the symbolism they used.

And it talked about the symbolism being related to Kabbalah, the Tarot and free masonery.

Then i remembered Madonna in the late 90's( 1997) got into the kabbalah religion and ended up getting many other celebs involved.

Many of those same celebs( Demi Moore, Ashton Kuscher) are all Cabal members.


In this article they have ads, or other videos embedded like this one


The Satanic Temple's Fight to Protect Your Abortion Rights

And i started watching this, and it's pretty fucked up. The tactics they try to employ to harrass the pro life people is disgusting.

Also they talk about using tactics like a woman can have an abortion if it is a part of her religion( as a religious right people have)

I just started watching it, and figured i should post it here, if any other anons are interested.


This is probably where antifa came from , kek

Anonymous ID: 4124f9 March 9, 2019, 4:07 a.m. No.5588366   🗄️.is 🔗kun



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Americans are constantly told that Planned Parenthood is the nation’s foremost provider for women’s health care. This, according to Planned Parenthood and its allies, includes abortion — which is purportedly a “vital” part of health care for women. But if all of this were true, then Planned Parenthood would ostensibly be hiring only the best abortionists in the country, people who were dedicated to providing safe care for women. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Look no further than Planned Parenthood medical director David Eisenberg.

Anonymous ID: 4124f9 March 9, 2019, 4:34 a.m. No.5588464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8474 >>8485


We all understand you have been Extremely butthurt for a year now, because BO would not let you be a BV anymore, due to you banning everyone( including many of the good anons who work here everyday)

Since then you have bitched and harrassed everyone on this board on a daily basis.

( you morphed into a fucking shill)

Everyone thinks of you as they do Freddy, Ebot, the JFK shill and others.

Guess what you are a part of that group.

Nobody listens to your crap, why?? because you are like a nagging bitch that never stops.

If we could divorce you, we would , kek


Now if you had put your butthurt aside, and actually helped make memes, dig, contribute in some way( even fucking comedy would be atleast somewhat helpful)

But NOOOOO, you have to be a dick and harrass anons everyday here.

You are constantly picking on people starting fights, calling them bots, attacking the board, attacking BO, and basically attacking Q and POTUS with your constant bullshit.

If your into AI so much, then dig on Facebook, Lifelog project, twitter( lots of bots on twitter)

tech companies and who is related to who.

Anons would respect you again if you dig something besides acting like a little whining nagging bitch every single fucking day.

Anonymous ID: 4124f9 March 9, 2019, 4:58 a.m. No.5588604   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8610 >>8618 >>8628


I think someone may be inspired to TALK about who helped him plan this , and the real motivation behind it( Kamala and booker's lynching bill)

The media, dems and other evil people committ hoaxs all the time with their lies and fake news.

Wonder how many sealed indictments are for media people, kek



Jussie Smollett is facing up to 48 YEARS behind bars after being hit with 16 charges over claims that he staged a homophobic and racist attack to help him get a pay rise

A grand jury hit Smollett with 15 additional felony disorderly conduct charges on Thursday

The Empire actor now faces a maximum of 48 years behind bars if convicted

He was facing three years behind bars and a $25,000 fine for a Class 4 felony of disorderly conduct

Smollett denies the charges and will return to court in Chicago next week

He will return to court on March 14 to face the charges

Jussie Smollett has been hit with an additional 15 counts of filing a false police report by a grand jury and is now facing up to 48 years behind bars.

The Empire actor was initially charged with one Class 4 Felony charge of disorderly conduct last month but a grand jury has applied that charge 15 times over in an 36-page indictment that was returned on Thursday.

Now, he is facing a maximum sentence of 48 years behind bars and fines of up to $400,000.

Anonymous ID: 4124f9 March 9, 2019, 5:07 a.m. No.5588638   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8655 >>8679 >>8695

When Captain America sees your Captain America glass eye': Ex-Navy SEAL and House Rep. Dan Crenshaw stuns Avengers star Chris Evans as he reveals his tribute to the Marvel superhero

House Rep. Dan Crenshaw revealed his glass eye on Twitter on Friday

Crenshaw, a former Navy SEAL, lost an eye due to enemy bomb in Afghanistan

The glass eye bears the logo of comic book hero Captain America

Chris Evans, who plays Captain America in Marvel's Avengers series, visited Crenshaw in his office on Friday

Hollywood’s version of Captain America met a real life version on Capitol Hill this week.


Chris Evans, the blockbuster actor who plays the comic book hero in Marvel’s Avengers series, was pictured with House Rep. Dan Crenshaw on Friday.

But Crenshaw, the Texas Republican who lost an eye during combat service in Afghanistan, had a surprise in store for Evans - a glass eye with the famous Captain America logo.

‘When Captain America sees your Captain America glass eye,’ Crenshaw tweeted on Friday.

Crenshaw is a first-term congressman who represents Texas’ 2nd Congressional District.

He became a nationally known figure not just because of his military service as a Navy SEAL but also thanks to Saturday Night Live.

A week before last fall’s midterm elections, SNL cast member Pete Davidson mocked Crenshaw for resembling ‘a hit man in a porno movie.’

Anonymous ID: 4124f9 March 9, 2019, 5:11 a.m. No.5588659   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8677 >>8740

>said the official, who was unauthorized to discuss the document ahead of its release and spoke on condition of anonymity.



Trump's budget will land on Monday and request MORE funds for the border wall and to create a sixth branch of the military with his Space Force

President Donald Trump will ask for a Pentagon budget of $718 billion for 2020, part of an overall $750 billion request for defense

The figure includes both the Pentagon budget as well as the nuclear weapons elements of the Energy Department budget

The Pentagon request represents an increase of 4.7% over this year's budget.

Given the fact that the Democrats control the House of Representatives, it's unclear whether the budget proposal can win congressional approval

Reductions are proposed for other departments including the Environmental Protection Agency

President Donald Trump is to make a significant request for border wall funds and seeking money to set up Space Force as a new branch of the military in the White House budget being released next week, an administration official said.


For the first time, Trump plans to stick with the strict spending caps imposed years ago, even though lawmakers have largely avoided them with new budget deals. That will likely trigger a showdown with Congress.

The official said Friday that the president's plan promises to balance the budget in 15 years.

Trump will seek $750 billion for defense, a boost for the military, while cutting non-defense discretionary spending by 5 percent below the cap, said the official, who was unauthorized to discuss the document ahead of its release and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Budgets are mainly seen as blueprints for White House priorities. But they are often panned on Capitol Hill, where lawmakers craft the appropriation bills that eventually fund the government, if the president signs them into law

Trump's budget for the 2020 fiscal year will increase requests for some agencies while reducing others to reflect those priorities. Reductions are proposed, for example, for the Environmental Protection Agency.

The official said Congress has ignored the president's spending cuts for too long. The federal budget is bloated with wasteful spending, the official said, and the administration remains committed to balancing the budget.

The cuts being requested by the White House would hit discretionary spending as well as some mandatory safety net programs, which Trump has proposed in the past.

Anonymous ID: 4124f9 March 9, 2019, 5:17 a.m. No.5588698   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8751

I saw this story yesterday


Rep. Ilhan Omar tries to BLAME the reporter who quoted her saying Obama got 'away with murder' on drone strikes for 'distorting' her words, but then bizarrely releases audio that proves the journalist was right

The first-term lawmaker said presidents before Trump had 'really bad policies'

She cited Obama administration drone attacks meant to take out terrorists

'We don't want anybody to get away with murder because they are polished'

She called out 'caging of kids' on the southern border, blaming both presidents

Omar later claimed the reporter had distorted her words

She released a 2-minute audio clip from the interview, which indicates the journalist got it right

A day after her comments prompted a House vote condemning anti-Semitism, Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar landed herself in a new controversy by claiming a reporter misquoted her bashing former President Barack Obama – and then releasing audio of the interview that appears to back him up.

Omar, 37, told Politico Magazine that while she finds some of President Donald Trump's initiatives objectionable, Obama escaped the consequences of his own 'bad policies' because of his 'pretty face.'

After the news outlet quoted from the interview, Omar tweeted that the result was '[e]xhibit A of how reporters distort words. I’m an Obama fan!'

'I was saying how Trump is different from Obama, and why we should focus on policy not politics. This is why I always tape my interviews,' she added, along with a winking, tongue-out emoji and nearly two minutes of audio. reviewed and transcribed the recording, which supports what Politico reporter Tim Alberta wrote.


Alberta fired back at Omar in a tweet: 'Exhibit A of how politicians use the media as a straw man to avoid owning what they said. Your tape…supports what I wrote 100%. So does my longer tape. It's beyond dispute. Next time, a phone call from your office before the Twitter ambush would be appreciated.'

Anonymous ID: 4124f9 March 9, 2019, 5:35 a.m. No.5588850   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Trump is not the same as all those other past presidents who were really Compted and part of the Cabal.

Bush got us into several wars in the middle east,

Used up/destroyed alot of our military equiptment and resources.

Then came Obama and the start of the 16 year plan to destroy america.

When Obama came in he starved them of funds, and alot of their equiptment became old/obsolete.

Many of our aircraft and other vehicles were broken or needed constant repair.


Story just broke past few days about how alot of the military housing is really bad.

( Past presidents let this problem happen)


I'm sure part of the new budget will be to replace/upgrade alot of the housing on many bases.

But this is what the Military has had to deal with due to Presidents like Obama who were squeezing them, and reducing our Military( to weaken us)


Military families say housing on bases has lead, mold, other problems

"We realized it wasn't just here at Fort Bragg," said Spc. Rachael Kilpatrick, who says mold in her home made her sick. "It's bigger than we thought."


Civilian, military armed services leaders working to fix substandard military housing