Anonymous ID: 500083 March 9, 2019, 3:15 a.m. No.5588211   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8215 >>8250 >>8284 >>8292 >>8306 >>8434 >>8565 >>8591 >>8606 >>8639 >>8648 >>8771

this popped up on Voat

put here for the content rather than whether or not was a TeamQer


SenateAnon popped up on 4chan almost 7 weeks before 1st Q drop. Reading now after following Q - can see he was trying to redpill us on same topics. Stated anons could ask questions. Below are SenateAnons answers/statements. Q followers should be able to tell context but if you want all questions, search archive below. On some nebulous answers, I have summarized the question in italics. Not all questions listed as it's cumbersome working off chan archive. I had read before but it TAKES ON A WHOLE NEW MEANING NOW & TIES WHAT WE KNOW TOGETHER. Seems legit…perhaps part of Q team earlier? THIS WAS ALMOST 2 MONTHS BEFORE Q'S FIRST DROP. Part 1 of 8 (due to word limit). Source: THIS WAS ALL BEFORE Q'S FIRST DROP.


I'm a high level staffer for a US Senator. Both parties are trying to get Trump to bend the knee, and he still refuses. Pence is a traitor, so is Paul Ryan, and Trump has no one to help him drain the swamp. It's high time someone broke ranks and told you what's really going on in DC. Ask questions and I may answer.


His associates run pedophile rings. Indiana is the headquarters of several of these blackmail rings. (Pence dirty?)


The "House Arrest" stuff? Trump is playing games with them. He wants them to think he is isolated and depressed. Reality is, he knows the whole city is dirty and he has no allies.


Pence made him take out Flynn, because Flynn knew about the pedophile rings. Some of the others, like Bannon, were blackmailed. He had no choice.


Yes. The US created ISIS. During Obama's time, the Generals (including Flynn) helped the Russians stop them. Trump has let the Russians finish ISIS off. Israel is trying to save them.


They're trying to push Trump into fighting North Korea. CFR has wanted to reunify the peninsula for years. China is the next host for the globalists' disease.


He was going to make Flynn the VP. The cucks said they would go to war, and Trump wasn't ready to unsheath the knife and backstab all the traitors.


Don't know about the porno.


My senator is blackmailed and can't do anything. Honestly, the blackmail isn't that bad, but he's convinced he'd be run out of town if it was ever revealed, so he just does whatever his handlers tell him.


Yes, Mossad was in on 9/11. So were the Saudis, and they were funded by the British. So were the cucks, like Bush Sr. and Cheney. All the cucks are closet Anglophiles.


Indianapolis is the head, but they do all kinds of stuff. They give hookers to influential people at the Indiana casinos, and then have cameras in their hotel room. That goes on all over the country.


Leaders of the secret societies. They control everything.


Any convention of the states would be controlled. You have to take down the blackmail rings to be free.


Trump was, and still is, pretending he's part of the game. If he wanted to, he could have done a run-down on Hillary's body count during the debates, or talked about Bill Clinton's drug-running, and won by 50 points.


In no way. Mueller led the 9/11 coverup as head of the FBI.


Don't know. (Was Tory Smith killed because he said Pence was a pedo?)


Honestly, it was David Rockefeller that really got the ball rolling, so it's not exactly a Jew thing. More like a CFR Anglophile thing.


ISIS is still there, and Israel is trying to intervene and may do something stupid like intervene full-bore on behalf of ISIS. But they are crumbling.


The cavalry ain't comin' until the blackmail rings are eliminated.


1/3 of Congress rapes kids. Most of the rest are blackmailed some other way. Orgies, gay orgies (Rubio, McConnell), selling us out to the Vietnamese (McCain), etc


He's playing the game. If he fires his whole staff and replaces it with red-blooded nationalists, the cucks can take the whole country down. We are totally dependent on things like CIA drug-running to pay our bills. Trump is trying to hang on, get tax reform, and grow the economy enough that he'll be able to drain the swamp when he's not running massive deficits.


Obama wasn't fucking kids. His secret was his past in the CIA.


No. They all answer to corproations, bankers, the CFR, Freemasons, etc

Anonymous ID: 500083 March 9, 2019, 3:17 a.m. No.5588215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8218 >>8261


No. They all answer to corproations, bankers, the CFR, Freemasons, etc.


Yes. They got caught at Belterra many years ago, but it goes on all over. (Pence, Ind & casino there)


Don't know, but that's how they forced him out. (What was Bannon blackmailed for?)


Not without your help. (Trump will bring down whole shitshow no matter what.)


No. (Trump fully pardoned Mueller & he is working with POTUS to bring down all the others?)


Love child with a black prostitute. (What is SenateAnon's Senator being blackmailed for?)


No. (Will you confirm reptilian meme is real?)


Yes. Antifa is Soros, and the Nazis are all FBI, State Department, or CIA.


The bankers will control the gold. You need a national credit system, or the globalists will inevitably take it over.


Ancient history. (Whose idea were the blackmail rings in the first place? When did they start?)


The globalists want to eventually crash the economy, buy up assets cheap, dump the dollar, and head to China with the loot.


If I named the handlers, I'd out myself. Lots of groups do sex blackmail. Mormons, freemasons, Mossad, Vatican. And that's before you have the NSA reading everything you've ever done online.


Stop the pedophile rings.


The federal budget relies on CIA drug-dealing. That's where the bailout money came from. If Trump drains the swamp while he's running huge deficits, it's over.


I'm risking my life naming names on pedophile rings so that one of you guys can put a camera on them.


Everyone freaked out about pizzagate. You guys backed off too soon, and stayed too geographically isolated. This goes on everywhere. You can take them down and they know it. (Reaction in DC recently?)

Anonymous ID: 500083 March 9, 2019, 3:18 a.m. No.5588218   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8221 >>8224 >>8360 >>8780


I offer you the hope of a long, nasty, uphill battle against all odds. Take down the blackmail networks and we'll have our Republic back. Fail and we're doomed.


If Trump exposes all of this right now, the whole country goes down. If you expose it, nothing happens.


Yes. Who do you think controls the DC police? (Law enforcement anon advised us to start exposing the low level blackmail rings like those in local police departments & Shriners.)


Yes. There's a lot, and more of it the higher up you get, but not the majority. The majority is stuff like having a video of a guy at an orgy.


Blackmailed. (Did Gorka really leave because of the Afgahn plan, or something else?)


Mnuchin=Skull and Bones. Why do you think the Chinese are buying up US real estate?


Bannon is on the Council for National Policy, the most important group of non-cucked conservatives. He could have easily hung on to power… except someone had dirt. They wanted him out of the way so Trump would be forced to accept Pence's plan at the Camp David meeting to reinforce Afghanistan to preserve the CIA's poppy supply.


Yes. (Is Jeff Sessions corrupt?)


Would you please pay attention? If Trump does that, you starve to death or get killed in a riot when the dollar collapses. He has to wait for the economy to improve, and he has no allies because of the blackmail rings.


I've seriously considered leaking it to try to free him up. It's a complex analysis, because the handlers would probably get it minimized in the media because he's such a loyal cuck, but they also might choose to take him out because they know that's all they have on him. (If not so bad, why don't you leak on your boss?)


Investigate. And it has to go deeper, like getting access to computers or in-person investigations. Like O'keefe did.


Trying to build up Asia's infrastructure. But they're secretly controlled by the CFR and the globalists.


Masons are a pretty big part of the corruption. Shriners are especially perverted.


I don't have anything against Mormons. There's groups of Mormons that run blackmail rings.

Anonymous ID: 500083 March 9, 2019, 3:19 a.m. No.5588221   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8225 >>8391


Yelstin was a plant by the globalists. Bush Sr. bought him off with drug money.


There's nothing to come out. (Anything coming out on Antartica?)


He could do it without getting killed. But not with the economy the way it is and almost $20 trillion in debt.


Besides Ben Carson, almost every single person in his cabinet and inside the White House is dirty.


And the Catholic Church is supposed to be about worshipping God, but there's people inside that were raping kids.


Soros wants you to form right-wing death squads and fight Antifa, so you don't fight him.


Bush Sr. got his kids from Nebraska. Easier to hide it.


Already named Mike Pence. (You haven't directly said who's a pedo ring.)


Washington was Grand Orient. The pyramid on the dollar is Christian, not masonic.


You can do more than the FBI or police, not less.


Most of them. Sheldon Adelson is the worst of the bunch. (Any casino owners in particular? Were we on right track with pizza restaurants?)


Preaching to the choir, anon. (Who fucking cares about an illegit black baby?)


No. Bernie Sanders. Yes, whoever the rich guys want will get enough money to win the primaries, then it's up to the people. (Did Trump collude with the Russians? Any senators not blackmailed? Are elections determined in advance and if so, who will win primaries?)


Don't worry about the perverts. Find the blackmailers.


Operation Gladio B. No one important is going to prison, as of right now. That could be changed with a proper dose of autism.


That's being considered, and Pence has discussed it with his own party. (Will Trump be impeached for "Russian ties"?)


Again, I don't know what they had on him, but he was dirty. (Gorka is chomo too?)


Most are blackmailed. And paid for.

Anonymous ID: 500083 March 9, 2019, 3:54 a.m. No.5588326   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah reminded me of a Sibel Edmunds (OG CIA whistleblower) interview quite a few years ago - maybe on the Corbett Report -stating that NO ONE gets the high positions WITHOUT being blackmailable