Anonymous ID: 69abc2 March 9, 2019, 4:31 a.m. No.5588451   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8482

Finally, who but an embittered feminist could have said whatRuth Bader Ginsburg said when she stood beside President Clintonin the Rose Garden the day of her nomination for the SupremeCourt: She wished that her mother had "lived in an age whendaughters are. cherished as much as sons." Where in the world hasGinsburg been living? In China? In India? Her statement was aninsult to all American parents who do, indeed, cherish theirdaughters as much as their sons



So was RBG literally a Chinese spy, who made it up to SC judge and basically got away with it all thanks to BC + comped/corrupt/forced confirmation committee?

It's crazy, if you read the shit RBG wrote she sounds EXACTLY like Anita Sarkeesian or any other dumb SJW shill / subversive MSM outlet in the past ~5 years or so.

I also did some reading of CIA's history just now, I'm surprised how incompetent they always were, apparently? Maybe Clowns in America has way more truth to it than even we here tend to realize…

Anonymous ID: 69abc2 March 9, 2019, 5:27 a.m. No.5588781   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>MKSEARCH was the name given to the continuation of the MKULTRA pro-gram. Funding commenced in FY 1966, and ended in FY 1972. Its purpose was todevelop, test, and evaluate capabilities in the covert use of biological, chemical,and radioactive material systems and techniques for producing predictable humanbehavioral and/or physiological changes in support of highly sensitive operationalrequirements.