Anonymous ID: 9803b6 March 9, 2019, 4:06 a.m. No.5588364   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If someone is really into old music, and has a collection of old non-cabal labels, for example if you were a Colorado Based band and you made about 10 or 15 vanity albums that never got air play outside of Denver . . . and someone listed that, like a song called 'Condo Bondage' from the 1980s Colorado . . .


I'd be like 'hey, that's really cool. I wouldn't have thought of that.'


but if it's like Stevee, and Tom, come on!

Yes, it's a great song and the bridge part way through, i d play just that part (like a link to just that part, about 16 seconds of sound, to say 'this part' almost like the long pointer images that are so popular)

but no it's 10 or 12 basic playlist songs that just aren't that here.

A rousing rendition of La Marsellee on a day when the Yellowvests are out in Paris.

Some kind of soulful classic Irish Dirge/Ballod on a day when the shamrocks are rocking the pubs. Or some kind of make-fun-of Italians song, or even some cool Italian Disco.

But, no. It's the same crap London/LA/Lizzard music, that was fun before we knew that they were LARPing the Lizzard theme and pretending the sorcerer bit.


Not saying that they are all 'bad' lizzards (as an allegory). If you ever see Lizzards in the dry hills, they do have a lot of dignity about them. They stand there, facing you, and examine you. You ain't never seen nothin' like them. And you are a 'space alien', an invader in their world.

They are pretty cool.


Their rattle snakes that are in the same localle will make a sound to warn you they are nearby. They don't want to have to lash out and bight you.


on the chan, when pepole lash out, they don't always want to bight you either. But the ones that do we call them shills.

I'm not trying to bight you, bad-old-london-cabal-music troll, I know you shill for some cause of commerce of your crap-tracks that you own.


but there is so much more music out there. All that stuff has been played todeath. And if anyone hasn't already gotten that some of it is awesome, there is no showing them it now. They cna't here.


so cut it out.

find something else.

how about some noname bands.

find a music friend who needs some cash and promote their great sounds from 30 years ago that no one has ever heard before.

there is so much great music that never got played because it was suppressed by the payolla system of the cabal-music (do a dig on what is called 'Tin Pan Alley'


the cabal basically went around as enforcers. It was their crap-london-junkie-sex-slaved-musician-secret-fag sound that would get played, and nothing else.

You simply weren't going to be a rock star if you were assup for a lizzard record company executive.


Sad. And is it factual?

Well, it's a narrative. OUt of control for them. The London dudes all know it.

and just cause you were force to be a junkie sex-slave for creetins doesn't mean that youare a bad guy . . .

Anonymous ID: 9803b6 March 9, 2019, 4:32 a.m. No.5588456   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8463


someone taking all your posts to a psychitrist might get you under observation for a day or too, there, chunky.

Listen, there is this thing called a 'fast'.

you need to do that now.

abstain from posting for a day or two.

This is not an order.

but if you do it you may benefit greatly.

Anonymous ID: 9803b6 March 9, 2019, 4:38 a.m. No.5588479   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8491


you use the word within your own post.

the ellipsess specify the part to fill in.

if you did not take my advice you would out yourself as a bot.

you didn't take my advice so now we know that ((( are a bot!