Anonymous ID: a3e6b4 March 9, 2019, 4:14 a.m. No.5588389   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8398


not a newfag

(I already know the answer to this)


Why is it when anons, research & report (Factual & Logical) connections and actions of entities & individuals = It's called "Conspiracy Theories"?


And interact with an entity here (Q) who drops crumbs we can investigate to piece together Analysis (Which is what Gov Intel Agencies do) = We are called "Conspiracy Theorists"?


But when the [MSM] writes an article claiming; "Unnamed Sources", "Senior Officials", "Sources Close to the Investigation" = It's called "Journalism"?

Or they write a [Wildly Speculative / Made Up] Op-Ep, Gaslighting, Hit-Piece article = It's called "Responsible Journalism"?


Just ANOTHER "Conspiracy Theory"?

I actually was born at night, it just wasn't last night.