Ilhan keeps kicking the hornets nest. NPR is admitting that the 'big tent' is harder to control than previously thought and that the resolution on hate speech has no provision to deal with Ilhan if she does it again. This time she points out the obvious, that 'hope' was just cover got get power. She is dismantling the Dems from the inside either on purpose or by accident. Her railing against Trump seals her credentials as a Dem, and her being the first female Muslim Somali in congress makes it impossible for the liberals in MN (and else where) to criticize her since they have spent the last 10 years expounding on how the state will be fixed if the diverse cultures are represented. Either she is a plant or the problems the critics have pointed out about diversity are manifesting in a very public way. Regardless, the spectacle of the Left's incoherent platform showing its fissures is making even its most ardent supports question how it can work.