Anonymous ID: 019a44 March 9, 2019, 9:03 a.m. No.5590623   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0728

Mexico night club attack leaves 15 dead: prosecutor


Four others hurt in shooting



Mexico City: At least 15 men have died following a shooting at a nightclub in central Mexico, prosecutors said Saturday.


#BREAKING: Mexico night club attack leaves 15 dead: prosecutor

— AFP news agency (@AFP) March 9, 2019


Four more men suffered injuries, public prosecutor's office spokesman Juan Jose Martinez told AFP.


Mexico night club attack leaves 15 dead. Four more men suffered injuries.


It was not immediately clear who committed the crime. Before sunrise, a group of armed men pulled up in three vans at the La Playa Men's Club in the city of Salamanca, burst into the premises and opened fire, local media reported.

Anonymous ID: 019a44 March 9, 2019, 9:06 a.m. No.5590635   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Algerians mobilise for mass anti-Bouteflika protests


Tens of thousands demonstrate across Algeria in a bid to keep up the pressure on ailing President Abdelaziz Bouteflika.


Tens of thousands of Algerians have defied large contingents of riot police and resumed mass demonstrations against ailing President Abdelaziz Bouteflika's bid to extend his 20-year rule.


A rally on Friday in the capital, Algiers, was slowed to a near-crawl by the huge numbers taking part, with participation swelled by women marking International Women's Day. Train and metro services were suspended without explanation.


While the rallies were mostly calm, police used tear gas in several areas of the city, including to block the road to the presidential palace, news agencies reported.

Anonymous ID: 019a44 March 9, 2019, 9:13 a.m. No.5590692   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0827 >>1014 >>1181

Chemical research clearinghouse was big data before big data


Before there was Google, Amazon or even an internet, there was big data in what may seem an unlikely place: a chemical research clearinghouse in the heart of the American Midwest.


For more than a century, Chemical Abstracts Service in Columbus has been gathering and summarizing chemical research breakthroughs from around the globe and then sharing them with researchers, technology developers and businesses. Their abstracts represent the bulk of humanity’s chemical discoveries.


The work has always been painstaking, requiring hundreds of data specialists and scientists fluent in many languages. And once the abstracts moved from fat paper volumes onto computer servers, it also required a lot of electricity.

Anonymous ID: 019a44 March 9, 2019, 9:16 a.m. No.5590719   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0726

Ex-Trump Aide Refuses To Comply With Democrats’ “Fishing Expedition”


Former Trump aide Michael Caputo is done with the Democrats and their endless investigations. They want to drag it out but he has consulted his lawyer and he is done playing.

Anonymous ID: 019a44 March 9, 2019, 9:20 a.m. No.5590754   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Egyptian Women: Cover Up — or the Catcall Is Your Fault


“What were you wearing?” That’s the response Egyptian women often receive when complaining about an unwanted advance — but it’s other women, not men, asking it. Eighty-four percent of them believe that a provocatively dressed woman deserves to be harassed, OZY reports, compared to 70 percent of Egyptian men. That leaves little room for solidarity among the 99-plus percent of women who’ve reported being sexually harassed.


Has it always been like this? Older Egyptians remember a time when wearing short skirts was the norm, but conservative politics have increasingly cemented Egypt as a patriarchal society.

Anonymous ID: 019a44 March 9, 2019, 9:22 a.m. No.5590775   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Moscow airport staff find 'mortar shell' on US embassy staffer


Moscow's foreign ministry described the incident as a 'provocation'



Moscow: Security staff at Moscow's main airport confiscated a "mortar shell" from a US embassy staffer on Saturday, in what the foreign ministry described as a "provocation," local media reported.


Security staff at Sheremetyevo airport, the biggest in Russia, found an object resembling a mortar shell while checking the man's luggage, the Ria Rovosti agency reported, citing a foreign ministry source.


"Bomb disposal experts confirmed that it was a shell with a detonator but no explosives," the source said, adding that it amounted to a "provocation".


The United States appeared to be testing Russia's security not just abroad but inside the country's borders, the foreign ministry source told Ria Novosti.

Anonymous ID: 019a44 March 9, 2019, 9:24 a.m. No.5590791   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Number of Filipinos going abroad for certain jobs to be capped


Manila eyes cutting back on sending skilled workers abroad by as much as 90 per cent



Manila: The Philippine government will impose limits on sending workers abroad in certain skilled labour categories, officials say, in order to prevent a local shortage of workers.


The announcemet comes amid a boom in the country’s construction sector.


According to Department of Labour and Employment (DOLE) Secretary Silvestre Bello III the Philippines badly needs skilled workers such as master electricians, master carpenters, master plumbers and similarly highly experienced and trained labour to build roads, bridges, airports and other similar infrastructures under the so-called “Build, Build, Build,” programme of the current administration.

Anonymous ID: 019a44 March 9, 2019, 9:41 a.m. No.5590951   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0959 >>1014 >>1181

WATCH Yellow Vests reinvigorate campaign with flashmob at Paris airport


French Yellow Vest protesters staged a flashmob at Charles de Gaulle airport Saturday in an attempt to reinvigorate protests against the government’s economic policies, in particular, the privatization of the airport.


Footage posted to social media from inside the airport shows dozens of Yellow Vests making their way through the airport’s Terminal 1 before occupying its food court. Holding banners that read “Those who sell France are traitors” and “ADP selling = betrayal,” the protest specifically targeted the privatization efforts of Aéroports de Paris (ADP).


Flashmob des gilets jaunes à l'aéroport de #Roissy Terminal 1 ce midi, opposés à la privatisation #AéroportsdeParis. Si vous voulez en savoir plus, c'est sur @RFI

que ça se passe


Anonymous ID: 019a44 March 9, 2019, 9:48 a.m. No.5591027   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ISIS claims 3 US soldiers killed in suicide attack in northern Syria


BEIRUT, LEBANON (6:40 P.M.) – The Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh) alleged on Saturday that one of their terrorists carried out a suicide operation against a convoy belonging to the Syrian Democratic Force (SDF) in northern Syria.


According to the Islamic State’s official media wing, the terrorist Abu Abbas Al-Shami carried out the suicide attack along the Manbij Highway in eastern Aleppo.


ISIS claimed the suicide attack resulted in the destruction of a vehicle and the death of three American soldiers onboard.


Neither the U.S. Coalition or the Syrian Democratic Forces have corroborated these claims from the Islamic State.

Anonymous ID: 019a44 March 9, 2019, 9:51 a.m. No.5591061   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Russian law fines, imprisons authors of ‘disrespectful’ online posts


Anyone in Russia who makes an online post that is seen as disrespectful to the President, state or government officials, will be jailed for 15 days and heavily fined once Putin signs a new law.


This law was passed on Sunday by Russia’s parliament and will enforce impose fines of up to 100,000 rubles and jail time if an online post reveals a “blatant disrespect for society, the country, Russia’s official state symbols, the constitution, or the authorities,” according to the Guardian.


Russians can be legally prosecuted for even making jokes about Putin or the parliament if they are seen in any way to be disrespectful.


Private citizens posting “fake news” can incur fines of between $45 and $75, and businesses would face larger fines upward of $15,000, CNN reported.


Sergey Shvakin, a lawyer who practices in Moscow, said, “Soon we’ll be telling jokes about the authorities in whispers in the kitchen.”

Anonymous ID: 019a44 March 9, 2019, 9:55 a.m. No.5591104   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1160 >>1181


Sinister Sites – The Denver International Airport



An apocalyptic horse with glowing red eyes welcoming visitors? Check.

Nightmarish murals? Check.

Strange words and symbols embedded in the floor? Check.

Gargoyles sitting in suitcases? Check.

Runways shaped like a N–i swastika? Check.


OK, this place is evil.


But seriously, there are so many irregularities surrounding the DIA, that a voluminous book could be written on the subject. The facilities and the art displayed lead many observers to believe that the DIA is much more than an airport: it is literally a New-Age cathedral, full of occult symbolism and references to secret societies. The art at the DIA is NOT an aggregation of odd choices made by people with poor taste, like many people think. It is a cohesive collection of symbolic pieces that reflect the philosophy, the beliefs and the goals of the global elite. The DIA is the largest airport in America and it has cost over 4.8 billion dollars. Everything regarding this airport has been meticulously planned and everything is there for a reason.


The Airport


The airport facilities themselves raised a ton of questions regarding the true purpose of the mega-structure. Numerous “creative” theories are floating around the DIA regarding underground military bases, aliens and/or reptilian creatures. While I’m aware that anything is possible, we will stick to the documented facts.


The airport was built in 1995 on 34,000 acres. Its construction forced the Stapleton International airport to shut down, although it used more gates and runways than the DIA. The initial cost of construction was 1.7 billion $ but the final project elevated the bill to 4.8 billion: 3.1 BILLION $ over budget. Numerous irregularities have been reported regarding the construction of the site:

Anonymous ID: 019a44 March 9, 2019, 10:04 a.m. No.5591188   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1217

And now for something completely different


Don't Panic! Lighten Up!


Pennsylvanians in shock as Punxsutawney Phil is arrested for fraud


Western Pennsylvania was in shock today, in addition to being snowbound, after news leaked that Punxsutawney Phil has been arrested for fraud. This follows a lengthy investigation during which it emerged that he deliberately predicted an early summer despite knowing winter was far from over in order to manipulate betting markets. He did not act alone, but in concert with criminal elements out of Ohio who placed huge long-odds wagers on an early summer prediction.


To his credit, local residents say Phil had resisted such pressures for years, carrying out his predictions in a faithful manner despite the promise of huge payoffs if he were to fix the result. Sadly it appears he finally gave in to temptation and deliberately predicted an early summer when he knew almost for a fact that bitterly cold temperatures would still be arriving well into April and beyond.


Those close to him say they were not so surprised to hear he would be indicted as he had been on the decline for some time. Rumors of meth addiction, so often the downfall of those who feel trapped in rural areas, abounded - and there was also a string of dysfunctional relationships with questionable types who appeared to be more attracted to Phil the celebrity instead of the friend they knew.


He also felt under immense pressure due to the rise of a new generation of meteorologically-gifted rodents such as Staten Island Chuck, and was utterly despondent to hear about the growing popularity of Balzac Billy (a.k.a. the Prairie Prognosticator) in Alberta, Canada, who is not even a groundhog, but a man in a costume.


He is expected to be formally arraigned tomorrow once it's warmed up a bit.

Anonymous ID: 019a44 March 9, 2019, 10:12 a.m. No.5591260   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Getting desperate .. Indeed they are


US firm returns $400m fund to Saudi Arabia over Khashoggi murder


The fund given by MBS to US talent agency Endeavor last spring was aimed at diversifying the kingdom's economy.


A Beverly Hills-based talent agency, Endeavor, has returned a $400m investment fund to Saudi Arabia and cancelled its contract with the kingdom over the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the New York Times reported.


The fund was given to the firm's chief Ariel Emanuel during a high-profile Hollywood party last spring, which brought together Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), Disney chief executive Robert Iger and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, among others.