Hey CTA. Your 'I am going to murder Q' posts were more entertaining than this drivel
Try Horned Kratom
I am looking online at a place called Coastline Kratom. Prices look pretty reasonable, and a good review of them led me here. I have not yet ordered, though so I cannot personally speak for them.
I think that the 'need for symbolism' and the 'these people are stupid' drops go hand in hand. IF they didn't telegraph their moves via their symbolism, they might have succeeded. But they are just that stupid - or they were counting on us to be that stupid - either way, they failed. They gave us a map to find them and their plans - so down they go. Thanks Q!
So. We have symbolism - the symbolism makes a map to them and their plans. What unlocks the map? The news.
I agree
I think this is about a lot more than that, but that would definitely get caught up in the net (no pun).
Just ordered my first โ ever. I have moderate anxiety, don't sleep too well. CBD is helping, but expensive. Kratom seems maybe less expensive. Ordered the smallest amount. I will spend $16 to test something out, because what if it works?
What I want to know is if they 'helped' him get out of jail so they could 'help' him commit suicide. That is what I want to know
This cinches it for me - that reflection in the pen was Don Jr
I don't like that
So then. Is the BETA male, a fairly new phenomenon, the test of the 'new' male? In the drive to the last 'male'? Does make one thinkโฆ
So many digs on that place back in the day. Definitely contributed to my being red-pilled early on
I started with red vein horned, ordered 25g. Will try at night, low dose to see what it does
Yeah, I guess? Whatever it is, I don't like it - or my gut doesn't like it. Have not dug on it to see where it leads
Thank you. Recovering alcoholic, so very careful of things which could become addictions, but I need some other way to 'self medicate' for anxiety because alcohol is poison for me in every way, and I was using it to curb anxiety (unknowingly)
Can't remember if I have tried that one (will look into it) - have tried many traditional herbs - St John's Wort, Valerian, several others. They help a little, but not enough