>>5590744 (/pb)
>Denver Airport Artwork and Pale Horse explained
reposting notable from earlier this week since people are still investigating this. DIA mural artist isn't just another guy. He was a communist. Studied with famous Mexican communist party mural artists.
Is connected to Lee Harvey Oswald in the JFK files
Active in the Mexican version of the Black Power/Panther movement, the Chicano movement. Both movements have major ties to commies. Just ask the Smollett family. That guy just coincidentally happens to be the mural artist painting apocalypse murals at DIA? Too many coincidences
>>5560497 (/pb)
DIA Commie Chicano Muralist Leopoldo Tanguma Makes an appearance in JFK Files
>Nothing to see here anons. It's just a mural. Leo's sister was apparently dating a sugar daddy who was palling around with one Lee Harvey Oswald in March of 1963. Filed under subscribers to a Cuban communist periodical. Tanguma also attending Young Socialist rallies.
>>5558459 /pb) Continued dig on Leo Tanguma.
>>5557700 (/pb) Good dig on DIA mural painter Leo Tanguma.