If minimum wage had been locked to inflation, it would be over $22.00/hour now, without raising the pricing of anything. If business owners refuse to a crept loss of profit then let them go out of business and have no profit. They have been skimming 2/3 of what laborers earn. Thing is, America is so messed up that those who do the least get paid the most. See, we underpaid blue collar laborers can survive and thrive without white collar skimming, as we will prove after the EMP. But the overpaid white collar thieves cannot and will not survive.
Biblefags can explain how the law of Moses forbids usury, which is interest, and how the KJV bible became U.S. law in 1982, and how that bible also forbids underpaying laborers. That's grinding the faces of the poor. It's also theft.
Now we have a governmental-services-providing CORPORATION without a contract and in bankruptcy stealing from us and unlawfully denying us the remedy they created for us.
Trump is a de facto president of multiple CORPORATIONS but no nations. Our only legitimate head of state is James Clinton Belcher, who has offered Trump the legit presidency of our nation, and with it the lawful power to do all the things that Trumps dishonorable refusal is preventing Trump from accomplishing.
But at this point it no longer matters. We will have WW3 and revolutionary war 2 before 2020 Because America won't repent.