Anonymous ID: 83e2e4 March 9, 2019, 10:29 a.m. No.5591427   🗄️.is 🔗kun

To Filter before the brain is stained by the sewage from the media Matrix!


This anon has to constantly, proactively reject the narrative from the media Matrix, just to remain sane and keep calm.


Mind can handle the noise BUT the emotional nature, getting assaulted by heartless, head-case, mind-control crap overloading the psychic environment, requires protection from evil, to retain any heart space for true feelings.


Must clean the windshield, clear the mind’s eye CONSTANTLY of all the darkening crap being thrown out by the shit fans, just to maintain a mental space where the creative imagination can visualize a brighter future!


'''What did Q mean by saying that we the people have forgotten how to play?

Multiple meanings no doubt but at the deepest layer, does it not mean that the power built-in to our human being/avatar, to imagine and create in reality to fulfill any image held long enough in a clear enough mindset, has been STOLEN from us?'''


How humanity has fallen and fallen fast in the last century!

From being clearly the creations of an Intelligent Love Power, endowed with the SAME potential power to create (provided that we learn to use it wisely and with full consciousness of its impact on all other facets of Creation) all the way down to being mere live stock to be disposed of by evil, spiritually and intellectually retarded upper crusty people!


The easiest way to disable the power to create is to foment fear.

The generation and reinforcement of fear is of course, the primary technique used by the elite practitioners of black arts all through history, for social control over their owned human assets.


One of the subtler artifacts of allowing ANY fear to enter our thought process, is that fear SABOTAGES the capacity to manifest our own idea, our own dreams, our own personal creations.


Once the media Matrix and all those addicted minions are able to induce ANY fearful thoughts, the power to create, which DEPENDS ON LOVE for its full power, is comped.


Once comped, our imagination manifestation engine can only limp along outpicturing the drastic decline in our expectations of the future: not our dreams, not our children’s dreams, only grim survival, all the way down to suicide when the pain becomes too great.


Potentially powerful agents of the Creator’s will, now reduced to willing slaves, headed for consumption by the social elites, working for our captors and owners instead of for ourselves.


The evil ones use the power to manifest in a corrupted inversion, of course.

They create an alter within their minds (with the support of their partners in crime) which becomes their cheap psychological substitute for the Creator, and then align their minds with THAT will, a kind of perverted love for their G_d, made out of the shit in their degraded souls.

This hack of the creation process is very limited compared to love-powered people, BUT is enough to work away at the target of enslaving or pacifying the existing cattle, in collective action of like-minded minions.


'''The key take away is:

• It takes a village of idiots to enact evil resistance to the will of Life.

• It takes only the power of ONE consciousness, aligned to the Will of the One, to shine the light bright enough to dissolve the web of delusions built up over centuries!

The one advantage the endarkened ones have in the manifestation process is in HOLDING THE IMAGE long enough for it to develop. '''


Unfortunately, as raised by W. B. Yeats, in his poem “The Second Coming”:

''The best lack all conviction, while the worst

Are full of passionate intensity.''


Easier to retain focus on a limited selfish target than to manifest peace on earth!

Easier to use groupthink focus to attain some evil binding of other people’s freedom and to steal life and treasure from them than to invent, create, compose or to raise the sleepwalkers out of their slumber back into Life!


Even or especially here on infinity chan, the dark psyop to disarm our reason and take away our Creator-given power to create our reality as WE IMAGINE pours out in MKUltra training images and mind-controlled, dumbed down discourse, all in a global effort to overwhelm the mind’s defenses and flood the suggestible unconscious with fear.


• If we do not ACTIVELY perform mental hygiene, our minds become sick and shrink instead of expand.

• If we are not in CONSTANT communication with our avatar’s owner, our soul or spirit fraction of the One Mind, how can we resist an environment PUSHING SHIT into our minds, ALL THE TIME?

• If we are all riled up by the emotional states being projected into our experience, designed by students of evil to trigger deep psychological fears, how can we find the peace and calm sufficient to truly assess our state of being, to communicate with our conscience, to keep our avatar out of fear states and in the polarity of love?