Anonymous ID: 065425 March 5, 2018, 1:53 p.m. No.559509   🗄️.is 🔗kun


imho, the only solution is to end their unlawful charter, or at the very least, follow most of the Icelandic model. In other words, formally declare 'Odious debt' as not owed by the people of America at all. All the current USD 21 trillion is, poof, off ledger, just like Iceland did.

don't ever hear about them in the news, eh? success stories are suppressed. provide no tangible solutions to the profane.


Auditing the fed has been trotted out for years as a pacifier. think of it this way, instead of addressing the reality - it's very existence is debt slavery, unconstitutional, and unlawful - we are led to distraction by the ruse of auditing (must be legislated and funded by congress and that is where it has always born and died). Auditing presupposes that this is a legitimate enterprise, and only keeping financial books out of order, or perhaps other BANKING RELATED errors, etc. Plenty of money will be spent WHILST they continue with the Babylonian 'money as debt' paradigm. Not Federal, NOT a bank, NO reserves. Clearing house for the other central banks tied to the Bauers (Rothschilds) and other fuckwads.


Oh, check out this from James Corbett.
