Failed hit order on POTUS?
I think he is shining a spotlight on someone who most certainly is not /ourguy/…
Saturn. Again. Go figure.
Possible connection?
Not a fan of the honeycomb symbolism
After heavy chemtrail days, you can literally see the dust all over your car - and these little web things too. I quit talking about it years ago, but it isn't difficult to find it for yourself if you just pay attention - to your own car or other surfaces outside
Well you know we gon' dig the shit out of it and find out
Let 'em. Gotta pull them all in SO SO SO close, so that good ol' Death Blossom doesn't miss any targets. Our guys are luring them ever closer
He isn't held back. Has said himself that he posts as an anon sometimes
Mother Jones is in biggggg trubble already anyway
Oh, I realize. And it is WAY bigger than meets the eye — Q has pointed us, but going where he has pointed ain't much fun. I post some of it, but it's better for anons to dig their own way to that info
I've seen those little floaty web thingies in the air with my own eyes. They aren't spider webs. But if you talk about them to damn near anyone irl, you get called cray cray so I stfu years ago. Even here you get called out
Prolly want to watch Hoover Dam that day. There was focus on it a while back in digs
I love it here. But I get stuck and stuck and stuck
I want to fast forward to Egypt. MOAB. But I know we gotta go the speed we gotta go. I wander off on my own from time to time, post what I think can be handled.
Unesco maybe
Was earlier than this for DJT, I believe. FBI asset since the 80s -