name of bread should be bot city
baker you want me to shut them down - the bots?
Resonance and filtering issues.
you all are thinking very local
This shit is not about you local lives it is about much more it is multidimensional,.
Who is indicted and who is let free is rather small point of view.
It is about changing everyone's thought process.
that is this in a different POV
I know you don't think like me lines of force and geometry.
I get that.
But when all of the universe as you know it and way beyond is just that - all I ask you if it resonates.
yea yea but Q - the silly thing is this is the final act of Q
Political biased Q may not get it yet - But Q just enacted Unified field.
n in 4D is limited by filters.
ok here we go reality,
ok the shadow is not just one it is the one that is shown foremost. That goes fractal shit. Most do not understand that fractal is just log axis of all the points piloted. If I had a Cad program to add all the axis I wanted and the ability to modify each axis to a function cos sin log spiral and etc I can solve that..
radius or circle - squaring the circle.
Each number is a length. Until you move dimensions then it is a square then a cube then a hypercube then it twists to be ….
The picture is of a sphere that has a 3D and a Cosine 4 D axis to create a hyper sphere.
what I want is a program that allows me to define the axis and how many and rotate the object.