Curious Questions for ‘Q’;
1.) Will we ever get to know who the ‘Q’ team is within our lifetime, or will you have to remain anonymous forever?
2.) Since we have a legitimate need to collect information on ‘bad actors’ within the USA, why would the NSA want us to know exactly how we are being spied on, by our government? (Seems to be the opposite of job security for you.)
3.) Is Russia really an enemy of ours, or is their anyway we could release some sanctions on them to seek peace between our two countries and maybe strike up an awesome trade deal?
4.) If there are laws against putting subliminal messages within videos to mislead the viewers about products advertised on tv, then why haven’t the ‘Fake News’ broadcasters been charged with a crime or even a FEC violation? (After all, they are advertising solely for the Democrat party, and probably don’t get accounted for in campaign financing for all the deliberately false propagandist air time dedicated to this New World Socialist party.) Shouldn't there be at the very least some kind of a disclaimer on the nonstop Democrat ads between their commercials?
5.) If our government is so interested in everything we do and it’s willing to spend billions per year to secretly obtain private info, why haven’t they broken it down to a cost per citizen and offered to us a wage less than that total to wear a cap with a 360 degree camera and mic while out in public that sends you a live VoIP feed, to store in a database for official security purposes and court rooms?
(Could be turned off or put away while home.)
(Would be used to prove innocence.)
(Smart people won’t commit crimes while getting paid to wear “Big Brother”)
6.) How long until we send our teams to infiltrate the Socialist nations as a ‘Fake Socialist’ and over throw their f**king government the same as they are trying to do to ours?
7.) If any of these ‘guilty’ ‘Traitors’ skirt justice with a slick lawyer, would you please revert to Plan Z for them?
8.) If the envelopes distributed at the George bush funeral were "a promise to counter", then why did Mike Pence get one?
9.) Can you tell us that people in our government are 'not' scaring the shit out of children before killing them and drinking their adrenaline laced blood?
10.) Are we about to start a war with ancient aliens who’ve embedded themselves into our society? (Sorry, had to ask!!!)
11.) Will voting ID’s be given out for free or will the ‘door’ be left open for the Dems to complain that we are forcing poor voters to pay to vote?
(Maybe we can offer vote at home with finger print, facial recognition, email account, IP address, and a CAPTCHA to block bots?)
12.) Can we vote to no longer vote anonymously and search polling results that our vote is correct?
13.) Doesn’t the constitution have provisions that require government officials to take an oath swearing its protection from those who want to alter or destroy it? If so, then why not quietly eliminate the threats from the face of the planet, U.S. citizen or not?
14.) Will you still communicate with us if a Democrat wins office and doesn’t want you to?
15.) Can you tell me that you’re not the 6th branch’s newly created ‘Space Force’, because this is “Cyber Space” and could technically be interpreted as such?
16.) Finally, For the love of god, would somebody please ask Democrat Congress woman ‘Ihan Omar (Achbar)’ if she will denounce David Duke, since he agrees with her Anti-Semitic remarks? (Optics are important)
17.) Can we please stop calling it a 'Witch Hunt" and start calling the Mueller investigation for what it is, it's a "Snipe Hunt"?
18.) If President Donald J. Trump is guilty of treasonous acts to become our President, then why did he sign an executive order allowing military tribunals for U.S. citizens?
19.) When will President Donald Trump declass Zero’s BC from the H.I. vault?