This is true.
There are problems that are cultural and not all cultures are equal. There are shitholes.
However, the people in those shitholes do not deserve unjust treatment. The muslims and arabs stirred to violence by CIA campaigns do not deserve that fate.
Every race and culture needs to be able to make moves toward success and improvement. The liberals in our society don't deserve the fake news media agitation or the education system brainwashing.
Wrong and destructive behaviors can't be tolerated, nothing changes that. But there is a distinction between those knowingly constructing the fake news narrative and those who are caught up in it. There are people I will never talk to again, most probably, because of fallouts over the fake news narrative - but I do not think they "deserve what they got."
There are a few who knew what they were doing, and they can go to hell - but they are effectively shills in life. Life has its shills, as well - those perfectly willing to ride along with a narrative that benefits them, even when they know it is wrong.