>>5601954 lb
If you think about it, the gravity well of a planet is actually a pretty big barrier. Why colonize other planets when we can build structures in space that could house us rather perfectly and we could build them where we needed them? Logically, I would start on the moon. Titanium and other structurally important materials are there. Use mines to shelter from radiation. Use coupled coil gauss rifle or other magnetic catapult systems to send raw material and/or manufactured assemblies into a stellar orbit to link with tugger craft. Use other tugger craft to pull ice from the kuiper belt and pull asteroids from various locations to dock with orbital mining. Lot of platinum group metals out there.
Long term terraform project for Venus. Not mars. Atmosphere of Mars is too thin and gravity and magnetic field can't contain against solar winds.
The real fun begins when we find the thing with an orbital period of about 24,000 years at about 0.15 Solar masses in orbit beyond the Kuiper belt. That is the Sun's binary companion - a brown dwarf or a micro black hole. There again... Why is the galactic plane nearly 90 degrees offset from our own?