What happens when Republicans can no longer when elections?
We don't have control of Congress to pass legislation.
Nigger pilots?
You didn't really answer the question though. What happens when the Republicans can't win elections? You seem to think it won't happen. It will happen because whites are becoming a minority because of mass immigration.
I have a dreamโฆ
Anyone who says "Patriots have no skin color" is pro-white genocide.
You absolute niggerfaggot.
What does everyone think of Hitler?
No. It's based on electoral data. You're just an idiot who wants to bury his head in the sand. The GOP could survive but only if it becomes socialist/communist. Nonwhites for the most part are biologically incapable of having a Republican mindset.
Fuck off. This country is over.
Trump and Q read the Talmud everyday you kike.
Jews are Pharisees. Jesus called them "children of the Devil.
>"Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the Jewish of them all?"
Literally the guy you still support.
Don't you Qfags love Jack Posobiec?
I bet you're not gonna even watch the video. Are you? Moron. Pull your head out of your ass.
Fuck Messianic Jews. Jews would lie about being Christian. You can't be a jew and a Christian.
Whites are the true jews - chosen ones of God. No way would the Creator of the Universe choose a shitty, filthy race of desert rats. Makes no sense.
Doesn't Jack shill for Trump like you retards?
Trump sucks the dick of Israel. Why do you keep supporting a man who keeps sucking Israel dick if you hate Israel so much?
>So are you going to take away everyone's right to choose a religion?
>But for me and my house we choose to serve the creator of all things, the one who is everlasting, the one who desires mercy not sacrifice.
Quit pretending to be a Christian. It's obvious you serve Satan.
Whites are the only ones who vote Democrat and Republican.
No one is being activated. This is stupid.
Even leftists know that Demographics is Destiny.
He'll never do that. He let his daughter marry a jew. I can't even fathom such a horror.
>"We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happinessโฆ.โ
Not in the Bible, satanist. All men are not created equal.
Yet you can't refute it.
How the fuck is this notable but not impending demographic change? Everyone on this board is a blithering idiot.
You are promoting globalist Tower of Babel ideology. You shill for Satan and you don't even realize it.
>shills have lost
How will republicans overcome demographic change?
>inb4 niggers and spics start voting republican
Trump is working with Koch brothers and you're mad Ann dissed Trump for that? Trump is an orange piece of shit. He's a traitor to this country and a traitor to the white race.
Quit being such a cuck for immigrants. Immigrants and naturalized citizens can get fucked.
I knew Q was a fraud when he came out against Ann Coulter.
You and her should be sterilized.
How is she the turncoat when Trump constantly knifes the American people in the back?
You're such a bitch that you had to get a mail order bride instead of an American girl. Sad.
I know that I dwell in a den of cucks and fags.
t. World's Greatest Cuck
Cabal means jews. Start saying jews.