In 1992, the alien abduction researcher Brian Thompson claims that a nurse acquaintance of his reported that during 1957 in Cincinnati she encountered a 3-foot-tall (0.91 m) praying mantis-like entity two days after a V-shaped UFO sighting. This mantis-like creature is reminiscent of the insectoid-type entity reported in some abduction accounts.
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, aks "BSE" "Mad Cow Disease"
FDA publishes a final rule, effective August 7, to prohibit the feeding of most mammalian proteins to ruminants. Exempted from the ban are certain bovine by-products, such as blood, milk, gelatin and restaurant plate waste, on the premise that the exempted materials pose a minimal risk of transmission.
"minimal" meaning what?
August 4, 1997 Canada institutes its own mammalian-to-ruminant feed ban
(with the exception of pure porcine and equine meal; and milk, blood, gelatin and rendered animal fat from all species).
December 7, 2000 USDA begins to prohibit all imports of rendered animal
protein products from Europe regardless of species, applying
to all products originating, rendered, processed, or otherwise associated with European products.
September 2001 The Holstein cow born in Alberta in March 1997 that would test positive for BSE in December 2003 is moved to the United States along with 80 other cattle from the same dairy.
January 31, 2003 The Black Angus beef cow born in Saskatchewan in 1997, and now in Wanham, Alberta, shows signs of illness and is presented for slaughter. A government inspector declares it unfit for human food. Its head is frozen at a provincial laboratory for later routine testing, and its remains go for rendering into feed. It would later test positive for BSE
March 3, 2003 FSIS releases the results of the AMR survey it conducted in 2002; they show that approximately 35% of final product samples had “unacceptable” central nervous system tissue detected. It also announces the start of the regulatory sampling program (issued as a directive in December 2002) to ensure beef products derived from AMR systems are accurately labeled.
Red Slime
August 25, 2003 FSIS issues a revised directive intended to strengthen enforcement of measures to ensure that AMR systems do not introduce spinal cord into meat products. The directive notes that “Based on the first several months of regulatory sampling, FSIS has determined that some establishments are not adequately addressing the presence of spinal tissue in boneless comminuted [i.e., pulverized] beef.”
Didn't take long:
November 25, 2003 APHIS decides to allow Canadian facilities that receive and process bone-in beef from the United States, New Zealand,and Australia to export it to the United States.
December 11, 2003 Samples from the Washington State Holstein cow arrive at
the Ames, Iowa, laboratories. Because the animal had no neurological signs at slaughter, it is not considered to be a higher priority for BSE and the samples are placed in the
normal queue for testing. On the same day, products (mainly ground beef) that later would be subject to recall are shipped to outlets, mainly restaurants and grocery stores.
December 22, 2003 Preliminary tests of the Holstein dairy cow in Washington are positive for BSE.
December 23, 2003 The Secretary of Agriculture announces a presumptive
positive case of BSE in the Holstein cow (hereafter referred to as the “index” cow). APHIS quarantines the Mabton, Washington, herd where the cow had been, and begins its
epidemiological investigations.
January 26, 2004 The Secretary of Health and Human Services announces coming changes in FDA feed rules (expected to be published
within two months but which had not appeared as of late
May 2005), which he says will:
— Eliminate the exemption that allows mammalian blood and blood products to be fed to other ruminants as a protein source;
— Ban the use in ruminant feed of “poultry
litter,”which consists of bedding, spilled feed,
feathers, and fecal matter;
— Ban the use in ruminant feed of “plate waste,”
which consists of uneaten meat and other meat scraps that collected from restaurant operations and rendered into meat and bone meal.
Some relevant fiction by Phillip Jose Framer deals with some of what the alien/transD crowd get up to in human interactions, it's not good for the human but it is darkly funny - set in LA in the same scifi / occultist circles that gave us JPL Jack Parsons, L Ron Hubbard, Ray Bradbury - the host and organizer of the circus was a famous rl scifi fan who collected horror movie ephemera, had a house full of plastic monsters and lobby cards from schlock films named Forrest J Ackerman, and known as "Forry." Forry died recently, he was a nerd ne plus ultra.
This book is very explicit, NSFW, and a lot of scifi writers at the time, called it pornography and were outraged that a legit scifi writer like Farmer would produce such unseemly crap. Might be porno if you are a reptoid shape shifter, but definitely not if you're human.
Ackerman might be worth a dig some day.