So I dug into this Yang guy half is having shoved onto them. Turns out he's basically anti-Trump and pro-Globalism incarnate.
>"humanity first" is basically "BLUMPH" and "Globalism" in one slogan
>12 grand a year in handouts for everyone over 18
>wants an official White House Psychologist appointed
>wants to regulate/censor "addictive" media
>connected to Obama
>wants to increase federal regulators' salaries but keep them out of private sector jobs
This is all on Wikipedia. I can't imagine the dirt he must have beneath the surface.
We need shovels on this MMF Systems Inc. he's Vice President of. It's obvious he's DS, and by now it's obvious they're trying to engineer an anti-Trump "meme" candidate out of him on 4chan in imitation of the 2016 campaign.
I think they might run this snake.
Also, take a look at his donation website and FF the date/change your timezone. Something is up.
Anon, out.