I have yet to see footage of the actual crash itself, just the same aftermath as you describe.
Calling it x-rated is a bit ott, why not just call it sick and disgusting?
Cabal, vai tomar no cu.(the last 4 words were the first I was taught when I moved to Brazil).
>That it happened there does not prove that this was an attempt.
Of course it doesn't, but it's highly consistent with it being a planned event.
Tell me you're not going to try and push the "it's just another coincidence" angle!
That would be just too stupid.
>no, but I want proof
Yeah, you and me both, but, bear in mind that video is from the first "accident" back in August 2017, but what are the statistical odds that 2 cars in the space of 19 months just happen to "accidentally" find themselves approaching the presidential motorcade head on?
>Authorities say Canadians, Chinese, Americans, Italians, Indians, French, British, Egyptians among those killed in Ethiopian plane crash.
Couldn't there have been just one little Kenyan in there as well?
We all know to whom I'm referring, right, Barry?
As explained in this clip.
>I thought the grammar and spelling nazis were unique to the chans and we're just cats on motorcycles.
That clip has been around for years; I used to use it with my ESL students in Brazil.
Guess it's safe to say that I am not the quintessential English teacher.
Nah, 'cos then my watch would be wrong.