Anonymous ID: d1d003 March 10, 2019, 7:04 a.m. No.5606861   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>5603775 (pb)

I read the whole article, and though the Guardian generally has offensive views, I saw nothing here defending or even minimizing statutory rape. "Your friend committed a crime, justice has been served and he is now in jail paying the price for his actions." The article supports the letter-writer's desire not to dispose of the friend because he is justly in jail: "Encouraging your friend to personally face up to what he’s done, take responsibility for his actions and attempt to atone seems potentially more constructive than banishing him to an isolated wilderness where redemption becomes far more problematic."

Despite the somewhat misleading headline, I thought this was a pretty sound piece giving counter-cultural advice in a good way. A bit mystified how it earned anon's take-away (Guardian casually defending statutory rape) in OP.