Anonymous ID: e6468c March 10, 2019, 6:56 a.m. No.5606806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7093 >>7176

Boeing 737 from Addis to Nairobi crashes with 157 aboard: Ethiopian Airlines


An Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 737 crashed Sunday morning en route from Addis Ababa to Nairobi with 149 passengers and eight crew believed to be on board, Ethiopian Airlines said, as Ethiopia's prime minister offered condolences to victims' families.


"We hereby confirm that our scheduled flight ET 302 from Addis Ababa to Nairobi was involved in accident today," the airline said in a statement.


"It is believed that there were 149 passengers and eight crew on board the flight but we are currently confirming the details of the passenger manifest for the flight."


The airline said "search and rescue operations are in progress and we have no confirmed information about survivors or any possible casualties."

Anonymous ID: e6468c March 10, 2019, 7:01 a.m. No.5606839   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Junk food has same effects on brain as drugs


The sweet smell of freshly baked doughnuts, hamburgers, pizza, and golden crisp French fries have become the symbol of 21st century junk food. No matter how good they taste in the moment, these types of foods are the source of numerous chronic diseases due to their lack of nutrients and high calories. The addictive nature of junk food can also easily change taste preferences.


According to a report by the U.S. Scripps Research Institute, there is a strong similarity between junk food and hard drugs ― such as cocaine and heroin ― as they share the same addictive biochemical mechanisms, which makes it extremely difficult to quit.


The report states that the mechanisms that drive people into drug addiction are behind the compulsion to overeat, pushing people into obesity. Junk food and drugs stimulate the same brain pleasure centers, according to the report.


Researchers at Scripps used rat models and found that obesity coincides with a progressively deteriorating chemical balance in the brain's reward circuitries. As the brain become less and less responsive, rats quickly develop compulsive overeating habits, consuming larger quantities of high-calorie, high-fat foods, eventually becoming obese.

Anonymous ID: e6468c March 10, 2019, 7:04 a.m. No.5606867   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Price of 390 cancer drugs slashed’


In a major relief to cancer patients, maximum retail price of 390 non-scheduled cancer medicines have been reduced by up to 87 per cent, which would result in annual savings of around Rs 800 crore for the patients, the Government said on Friday.


The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) on February 27 had brought 42 non-scheduled anti-cancer drugs under price control, capping trade margin at 30 per cent. Manufacturers and hospitals were directed to convey the revised MRP, to be effective from March 8, based on the trade margin formula.


“The NPPA under Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilisers has put out list of 390 anti-cancer non-scheduled medicines with MRP reduction up to 87 per cent. The revised prices would come into effect from March 8, 2019,” an official release said. A total of 390 brands – that is 91 per cent of the 426 brands reported by the manufacturers – showed downward price movement, it added. This move is expected to benefit 22 lakh cancer patients in the country and would result in annual savings of around Rs 800 crore to the patients, the release said.—.html

Anonymous ID: e6468c March 10, 2019, 7:10 a.m. No.5606906   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US revises visa rules for Pak; slashes validity for citizens from 5 years to 1 year


The US has revised its visa policy for the Pakistani citizens by slashing the visa validity from five years to 1 year, according to a media report. In an official notification issued by the American embassy here on Tuesday, the US said that an additional fee will also be charged for H (Temporary Work Visa), I (Journalist and Media Visa), L (Intercompany Transfer Visa), and R (Religious Worker Visa) visas, the Express Tribune reported.–slashes-validity-for-citizens-from-5-years-to-1-year.html

Anonymous ID: e6468c March 10, 2019, 7:14 a.m. No.5606933   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7092 >>7403 >>7479

Multibillion-dollar money-laundering scheme run by Russia’s largest private investment bank uncovered, report says


An almost $9 billion global money-laundering scheme allegedly set up and run by Russia’s largest private investment bank and having close ties to the country’s ruling elite has been uncovered by the Sarajevo-based Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP).


An OCCRP investigation published on March 4 alleges that the $8.89 billion scheme, dubbed the Troika Laundromat, allowed corrupt politicians and organized-crime figures to launder funds, evade taxes, hide assets abroad, and carry out other illegal activities.


The investigation singles out Sergei Roldugin, the Russian cellist who is one of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s oldest friends, as one of the main beneficiaries of the scheme.


The OCCRP, a group that has previously exposed two other such schemes, known as the Russian and the Azerbaijani laundromats, says the investigation was made possible by one of the largest leaks of banking transactions ever, obtained together with Lithuanian news site


The leak, which was compiled from multiple sources, involved more than $470 billion sent in 1.3 million transactions from over 238,000 companies and people.

Anonymous ID: e6468c March 10, 2019, 7:18 a.m. No.5606962   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Update: Zuckerberg Covertly Sues Hawaiians in Forced Land Grab for His Walled Compound #WallsWork


Lord Zuckerberg Sues Native Hawaiians to Force Sale of Ancestral Land for His $100 Million Estate

Anonymous ID: e6468c March 10, 2019, 7:21 a.m. No.5606984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7092 >>7403 >>7479

Sign: ICE now detaining 50,000 in all-time high, and yet Congress continues to oppose POTUS Trump’s emergency declaration


The number of people being detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement has reached an all-time high of 50,000 as migrants from Central America and Mexico continue to stream towards the United States, deepening the humanitarian crisis.


Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen testified to a Democrat-controlled House this week that the federal government and, specifically, her border agencies, are fast running out of resources to deal with the rising numbers of migrants as well as space to detain them. But while some Republicans offered encouraging or sympathetic words, Democrats seemed unfazed.


In reporting the latest figures provided by the government, The Daily Beast reported:


It’s an increase of approximately 2,000 people in the month-plus since Jan. 30, when ICE, it previously told The Daily Beast, was detaining 48,088 people. And it’s just another 2,000 people shy of the 52,000-person daily detentions ICE is asking Congress to fund in its next budget.

Anonymous ID: e6468c March 10, 2019, 7:24 a.m. No.5607023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7092 >>7159 >>7403 >>7479

Report: Merkel Govt May Have Let In Thousands of War Criminal Migrants


A damning new report has claimed that since 2014, the government of German Chancellor Angela Merkel has allowed thousands of war criminal migrants to enter the country.


The new report claims that from 2014 to 2019, the German government not only let in around 5,000 migrants who were subject to investigation for violating international law, but only investigated a handful of them itself, German tabloid Bild reports.


The paper states that the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) tipped the government off to around 5,000 migrants they believed had been involved in war crimes or other crimes against humanity.

Anonymous ID: e6468c March 10, 2019, 7:28 a.m. No.5607060   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump, Xi trade summit postponed: Beijing got ‘spooked’ when POTUS walked away from North Korea


Since last month several reports have noted that U.S. and Chinese trade negotiators were close to finalizing an agreement amenable to both parties ahead of a planned second summit between Presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jinping, but now it appears as though progress has ground to a halt.


The latest reports noted that POTUS and Xi were to meet at the former’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida later this month to sign a deal that would end tit-for-tat tariffs that are said to be hurting the economies of both countries.


But after Trump unexpectedly left a summit earlier this month with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un without a denuclearization agreement, that “spooked” the Chinese and have now given them cold feet, according to analysts and observers

Anonymous ID: e6468c March 10, 2019, 7:37 a.m. No.5607137   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7160 >>7403 >>7479

US withdraws F-22 stealth fighter jets from Middle East


BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:30 A.M.) – The U.S. is withdrawing their F-22 Raptors from the Middle East region after deploying them five years ago, the National Interest reported this past week.


According to the National Interest report, the U.S. Air Force will be replacing their F-22 Raptors with their older generation F-15 fighter jets.


“The Air Force had little choice but to withdraw the radar-evading Raptors. The flying branch is struggling to rebuild the tiny and stressed F-22 force following the destruction of Tyndall Air Force Base, once the home of scores of Raptors, in Hurricane Michael in October 2018,” the National Interest said on their website.


“There are currently no F-22s deployed to AFCENT, but the United States Air Force has deployed F-15Cs to Southwest Asia,” U.S. Air Forces Central Command told Air Force magazine.

Anonymous ID: e6468c March 10, 2019, 7:42 a.m. No.5607169   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Blind Leading Blind: ‘US Youth Climate Strike’ Promotes Green New Deal


The current generation of youth are completely brainwashed to believe in corrupted science that they have no ability, experience or education to understand; the Green New Deal is attempting to build a tsunami that will sweep the world, not just the U.S. ⁃ TN Editor


We, the youth of America, are fed up with decades of inaction on climate change. On Friday, March 15, young people like us across the United States will strike from school. We strike to bring attention to the millions of our generation who will most suffer the consequences of increased global temperatures, rising seas, and extreme weather. But this isn’t a message only to America. It’s a message from the world, to the world, as students in dozens of countries on every continent will be striking together for the first time.


For decades, the fossil fuel industry has pumped greenhouse gas emissions into our atmosphere. Thirty years ago, climate scientist James Hansen warned Congress about climate change. Now, according to the most recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report on global temperature rise, we have only 11 years to prevent even worse effects of climate change. And that is why we strike.


We strike to support the Green New Deal. Outrage has swept across the United States over the proposed legislation. Some balk at the cost of transitioning the country to renewable energy, while others recognize its far greater benefit to society as a whole. The Green New Deal is an investment in our future—and the future of generations beyond us—that will provide jobs, critical new infrastructure and most importantly, the drastic reduction in greenhouse gas emissions essential to limit global warming. And that is why we strike.

Anonymous ID: e6468c March 10, 2019, 7:46 a.m. No.5607210   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ludicrously expensive: Even if Congress implement a Green New Deal lite, the package would still add many trillions in government debt, while making energy and transportation more expensive for American households and businesses

The Outrageous Cost of the Green New Deal


The Major Components of the Green New Deal


The American Action Forum is headed by Douglas Holtz-Eakin, who—among other positions—was the director of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) from 2003 to 2005. One can of course disagree with his team’s analysis, but their approach to “budget scoring” the GND is entirely conventional in DC circles.


For their analysis, the AAF team focused on six major planks of the GND that they considered tractable for quantification. The table below summarized the various cost estimates for each of the six items:


Notice that there are many items listed in the GND documentation that are not included in the table above. This is one reason that I have called their cost estimate conservative.


Another important point is that the absurd $93 trillion figure is not driven by one particular modeling choice. On the contrary, five of the six components studied by the team have a (10-year) cost exceeding $1 trillion. So even if it turns out that, say, the AAF team is totally wrong on the cost of Universal Health Care and Guaranteed Green Housing, then the cost would still exceed $50 trillion for the first decade, because of the other components.

Anonymous ID: e6468c March 10, 2019, 7:51 a.m. No.5607260   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wearable technology has revolutionized the way we do things in a number of ways right from the way we care for our health to different activities we engage in our daily lives

How wearable Devices Will Change The Way We Live in the Future


We are currently enjoying many positive changes ever since the advancement of wearable technology. The technology has not only improved and simplified how we handle things, but also made life interesting and fun. It is for these reasons that there are thousands of wearables for almost everything we do or affects us. These range from smartwatches, eye wears medical patches, rings, designer clothes, shoes among others.


With this technology at hand and thousands of fresh wearable ideas that keep on simplifying and changing the way we do things, there is a lot to expect in the future says Alex Tchablakian, COO at Here is an overview of how wearable devices will change the way we live in the future.


“The use of this technology offers life advantages in a number of ways and more improvement is expected in the future. Below are a few examples of what we expect to see in the future as a result of highly sophisticated advanced wearables.

Anonymous ID: e6468c March 10, 2019, 7:54 a.m. No.5607288   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7327

The Democrat Party is looking more and more grotesque, with their chicanery and deception becoming increasingly obvious, their noticeable anti-semitism, their infatuation with socialism, their disdain for freedom of religion and all things Christian,


An Age of Universal Deceit


What is slowly coming to light, a sort of gradual clearing of the mist and fog, is a conspiracy and scandal so immense and fantastic that it dwarfs even the minds of writers of political fiction. It is a story of deceit, power and the clenching of it, with a resistance to let go not seen in American history going back at least 150 years. This defiance was intensified by a brash, albeit politically naive outsider, an individual that, in spite of his affluence, was not and could never be a member of the political elite if they could help it.



During the last presidential election, the Democrat Party convinced themselves, with help from the media, that they were going to hold on to power and finish the job Obama had started…turn our nation into a secular socialist country…ripe for the picking apart by the globalists.


To insure that success, the Obama administration conspired with the Clinton campaign to create a false narrative that Trump’s campaign was conspiring with the Russians to hack into our election process…hence the Russian ‘meddling’. This would promote a subsequent narrative, as a sort of insurance policy, that if Trump were elected he would be accused of being an agent of the Russian Federation. Once that was accomplished, Trump would be ripe for impeachment. This strategy is still active today.

Anonymous ID: e6468c March 10, 2019, 7:59 a.m. No.5607324   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7342 >>7347

DHS chief Nielsen: Central American countries ‘want their children back’ but U.S. can’t send them because the law doesn’t allow it


Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen told a House committee on Thursday that Central American governments in Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador have said they want the U.S. to return their children, but that can’t happen under current law.


“What we hear from the Northern Triangle governments – they have said this publicly. I am sure that they will tell you when you visit them – is they want their children back,” she told the House Homeland Security Committee.


“Our laws uniquely allow us to send Mexican children back home after they have gone through a process, do not have a legal right to stay, but under the law, we cannot send children from other countries back, except for Mexico and Canada,” she added.


“So the Northern Triangle governments have said to us – they will say to you – ‘please send us our children back. We want them reunited with our families and communities here,” the DHS chief continued.

Anonymous ID: e6468c March 10, 2019, 8:10 a.m. No.5607426   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Nowhere to run to.. nowhere to hide


Researchers spy signs of slavery from space



Satellites reveal the telltale shapes of brick kilns in India.

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Researchers spy signs of slavery from space


By Sarah ScolesFeb. 19, 2019 , 3:45 PM


Doreen Boyd remembers the first time she saw a hint of slavery from space. A satellite image from 2017 of Rajasthan state in India showed a brown oval that looked like a dusty high school track. But it was nothing so innocuous: She knew it was a brick kiln, one of tens of thousands across South Asia that are often run on forced labor. Boyd, director of the data program at the Rights Lab at the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom, realized such imagery could help her tally the kilns, enabling organizations on the ground to target slaveholders at the sites. “You can’t see slavery directly, but you can infer it,” she says.


A surge in the number of Earth-observing satellites, along with improvements in algorithms that can interpret the deluge of data they provide, are putting modern slavery under a spotlight. This week, at a conference in New York City sponsored by the United Nations University (UNU), computer scientists, slavery experts, and policy strategists presented the latest efforts in their fields and brain-stormed ways to work together. “We’re doing team science,” says Austin Choi-Fitzpatrick, an expert in peace studies at the University of San Diego in California who has interviewed slaveholders at kiln sites like those the Rights Lab studies from space.


Some 40.3 million people are held in bondage today, according to the latest estimates from the Inter-national Labor Organization, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. But finding them is hard. “People affected by this are often hidden from the gaze of the state,” says James Cockayne, director of UNU’s Centre for Policy Research in New York City, who helped organize the conference. Boyd estimates, however, that one-third of all slavery is visible from space, whether in the scars of kilns or illegal mines or the outlines of transient fish processing camp

Anonymous ID: e6468c March 10, 2019, 8:18 a.m. No.5607488   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Deep blue New York City looking at bankruptcy after a five-year socialist wallow


Ready to go back to the 'Shattered' era, New York? The old 'drop dead' epoch and 'fun city' times?


Looks like that's what's on the cards, based on this New York Post report, warning that the socialist-led city is in dire danger of bankruptcy if there's an economic downturn:


New York City is careening closer to all-out financial bankruptcy for the first time since Mayor Abraham Beame ran the city more than 40 years ago, experts say.


As tax-fleeced businesses and individuals flee en masse, and city public spending surges into the stratosphere, financial analysts say Gotham is perilously near total fiscal disaster.


Long-term debt is now more than $81,100 per household, and Mayor de Blasio is ramping up to spend as much as $3 billion more in the new budget than the current $89.2 billion.


“The city is running a deficit and could be in a real difficult spot if we had a recession, or a further flight of individuals because of tax reform,” said Milton Ezrati, chief economist of Vested.


I've got some news for New York: The New York Fed is forecasting just that downturn. Here's a Daily Mail report that ran a few days ago:


The US economy is likely to slow 'considerably' in 2019, the president of the New York Federal Reserve Bank warned on Wednesday.


Amid a time of economic uncertainty, John Williams said the Federal Reserve may 'wait' before raising interest rates again.


The Fed may or may not be right about this, but it shouldn't take the spotlight off New York. Why on earth should one of the world's great cities go bankrupt solely because of an economic downturn? That's the sort of thing you might expect from Greece or Uruguay, both of which endured huge financial crises based in part on the financial behavior of their much larger neighbors. New York ain't small.