Anonymous ID: 8a3a84 March 10, 2019, 8:25 a.m. No.5607563   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7576 >>7631 >>7793 >>8056 >>8198

Adam Schiff: Mueller making a 'mistake' without Trump testimony under oath


House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff said special counsel Robert Mueller would be making a “mistake” if President Trump isn't brought in to testify under oath for the federal investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and possible collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin.


Speaking to Chuck Todd on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Schiff, D-Calif., said that he hopes Mueller subpoenas Trump or finds a way to get him in front of a grand jury. Mueller hasn’t done so yet, and reports indicate that his efforts are winding down and a final report may soon be incoming to the Justice Department.


“Yes, I think it is a mistake, and I’ve said it all along that I don’t think Bob Mueller should rely on written answers," Schiff said. "When you get written answers from a witness it’s really the lawyer’s answers as much as the client’s answer.”

Trump submitted written answers to questions posed by Mueller's team in November. Some of those answers were leaked to CNN: Trump denied having contact with WikiLeaks and knowledge of the 2016 Trump Tower meeting between members of his team and a Kremlin-linked lawyer promising dirt on his 2016 rival Hillary Clinton. Trump could face criminal charges if his answers proved false.


Schiff said he thinks during investigations of this nature, the prosecutor should be able to ask follow questions in real time. He said that he thinks Mueller feels some “time pressure” to conclude the investigation but said “the best way to get the truth would be to put the president under oath.”


Under new Democratic leadership this term, the House Intelligence Committee is embarking on a sweeping investigation into President Trump’s financial transactions and Russia.

Schiff has adamantly stressed that his panel will continue its work unimpeded regardless of what Mueller's report says. He also declared in late February that if Mueller's full report on the investigation is not released to the public after it is completed, his panel would bring him in to testify in Congress.

Anonymous ID: 8a3a84 March 10, 2019, 9:15 a.m. No.5608047   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump adviser still `optimistic’ about trade deal with China


WASHINGTON: The Trump administration is making “headway” in trade negotiations with China, the top White House economic adviser said Sunday, brushing off reports suggesting diminishing prospects for a deal and push-back from Beijing.

“We’re making great progress,” Larry Kudlow said on “Fox News Sunday,” adding that he was “optimistic” President Donald Trump and President Xi Jinping of China would meet to ink a trade pact at some point – possibly in March or April.

Kudlow’s comments followed reports that Chinese officials have scrapped a trip to Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida where there could be a signing ceremony.


And earlier this week, Trump said that while he was “confident” about the prospects for an agreement, “if this isn’t a great deal, I won’t make a deal.”

Kudlow said daily negotiations between US and Chinese officials have been progressing following face-to-face talks in Washington roughly two weeks ago, after which Trump extended a March 1 deadline for increasing US tariffs on US$200 billion in Chinese goods.

Negotiators are “working out some of the difficult final points,” Kudlow said. “It’s got to be good, it’s got to be fair and reciprocal, and it has got to be enforceable – that’s an important point.”

Chinese officials have pushed back against some Trump administration demands for a mechanism– such as a regular schedule of meetings – to enforce the terms of their agreement.

Kudlow touted what he termed a breakthrough in China accepting proposals meant to promote “stable currencies” and avoid competitive devaluation of currencies.


China and the US have reached consensus on many “crucial” issues and have discussed the need to observe the “autonomy” of each other’s monetary policy, People’s Bank of China Governor Yi Gang said at a press conference during the annual National People’s Congress in Beijing.

At the same time, Beijing’s top trade and monetary policy officials this weekend delivered a subtle pushback against certain demands from Washington, delivering Beijing’s own interpretation of progress made in talks over the enforcement of any deal and the role of currencies.


Budget eve

Looking ahead to Trump’s 2020 budget proposal, due on Monday, Kudlow called the expected request for a 5% broadcaster brushed off worries about the rising US budget deficit.

Trump’s budget is likely to signal that the federal budget can be balanced in 15 years.

“I don’t think good growth policies have to obsess, necessarily, about the budget deficit,” Kudlow said. “We are going to point a steady glide path to lower federal spending” and borrowing as a share of GDP.

Kudlow also predicted another budget fight with Congress over spending on a wall along the US-Mexico border, casting it as inevitable: “I suppose there will be.”


Wall money

The Trump administration reportedly will ask Congress for an extra US$8.6 billion to help pay for the wall, even after the president declared a national emergency to reallocate funds from other areas for wall construction.

The last budget showdown over the issue shut down much of the federal government for a record 35 days.

“He’s going to stay with his wall and he’s going to stay with the border security theme; I think it’s essential,” said Kudlow.

Kudlow predicted that US economic growth can continue at 3% in 2019 and beyond, even as many private economists look for a slowdown this year as the impact of the 2017 Republican tax cuts wears off.

Anonymous ID: 8a3a84 March 10, 2019, 9:21 a.m. No.5608124   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8165 >>8243 >>8262 >>8272

Trump Blasts One-Time Backer Ann Coulter as 'Wacky Nut Job'


Ann Coulter, the woman who wrote "In Trump We Trust" and "Resistance Is Futile!", has broken from President Donald Trump on the border wall and is now considered a "wacky nut job" by the president himself.


"Wacky Nut Job @AnnCoulter, who still hasn't figured out that, despite all odds and an entire Democrat Party of Far Left Radicals against me (not to mention certain Republicans who are sadly unwilling to fight), I am winning on the Border," President Trump tweeted Saturday. "Major sections of Wall are being built . . ."

". . . and renovated, with MUCH MORE to follow shortly," an ensuing President Trump tweet read. "Tens of thousands of illegals are being apprehended (captured) at the Border and NOT allowed into our Country. With another President, millions would be pouring in. I am stopping an invasion as the Wall gets built. #MAGA"


Ironically, Coulter's book "Resistance Is Futile!" protests Trump haters have lost their collective minds and argues "the American left has become irrational in its opposition to President Donald J. Trump."

Coulter has taken up the resistance, hate-Trump mantle of late, calling the president an "idiot" and the true national emergency last month: "The only national emergency is that our president is an idiot."


While President Trump has broken from a one-time backer in Coulter, a one-time never-Trump conservative Glenn Beck now claims to support the president he used to resist along with Democrats.