Anonymous ID: 66d91f March 5, 2018, 5:12 p.m. No.560959   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Actually most all of what he is saying is the truth.



It's been slowly sliding this way for weeks, anon.

The fact that the mods have faggot nicknames (BV), that we refer to them as personalities, that "he needs a break, but he's coming back" etc….

This is all drifting slowly into /cbts/ land all over again.

This is way too big and too important to have the bottleneck of a couple of retards who are too young or too emotional to handle modding a fucking free speech board without getting carried away.

The fact that they were using their position to curate the content here and push certain theories they were fond of, including banning people who disagreed, is flagrant as fuck.

That isn't "aw jeez guys, sorry, I got carried away!"

The fact that BO is keeping him around shows that he is fucking soft and doesn't take this very seriously. He probably gets a weird little ego kick from his lame ass responsibility, which is revealed in the camaraderie he's showing for his little buddy.

Obviously that other faggot BV does, because why the fuck would you post using a trip otherwise?

How fucking sad is it to have an ego stake in an anonymous string of characters on an image board?

How fucking soft has this board gotten where you let this shit slide for the sake of "muh unity, muh no divide and conquer"


If you are weak minded enough to need constant filtering or moderation to protect you from shilling or clown tactics, then you don't belong here. You are a liability, and you should leave.

The amount of triggered fucking faggots that get 2 comments into an argument and reply with "filtered shill" is sad. Who the fuck filters someone? Unless a shill is literally spamming the board, I never filter anyone here. Why would you? Just in case they post something you disagree with?

Seriously, ask yourself the question. Is your brain that fucking feeble that you can't stay on task in between random noise? Are you just trying to carefully set up an echo chamber a la Reddit so you feel more at home? Emotionally a bit fragile?

The board now is a pathetic fucking shadow of how we started, and all of the "work" that's going on now is a direct reflection of that.

>t. salty and bitter oldfag