Anonymous ID: 575359 March 10, 2019, 11:20 a.m. No.5609508   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9526 >>9567

Statistics of Democide:

40-70 million killed. China under Chairman Mao. Single Party Socialism. 1958-61 “The Great Leap Forward”.

20 million killed. USSR under Joseph “socialism in one country” Stalin. 1936-52 “The Great Purge”.


40 million killed. USSR under all other leaders.


4 million killed. Cambodia under Pol Pot. Communist. 1975-79.


1.6 million murdered; 4 million killed in hard labor. North Korea under Kim Il Sung. Independent socialist State.


1.15 million killed. Yugoslavia under Josip ” socialist federation President” Tito. 1945-65.


1 million total killed. Ethiopia under Menghistu. Communist. 1975-1978 “The Red Terror.”


1 million killed. Indonesia under Suharto. Communist. 1966.


1 million killed from genocide; this does not include war casualties. Afghanistan under Brezhnev. Communist. 1979 – 1981.

800,000 killed. Rwanda under Jean Kambanda. 1994. Socialist.


If Democrats can support infanticide at birth, lie to a FISA court and search and destroy someone like Judge Kavanaugh, don't think they will not hunt you down, your spouse, parents, and children. That will be right after they take away the 2nd Amendment - disarm the people, then CICs (conservative internment camps) will be established for all not part of the socialist Borg collective.

It will be the 2nd coming of East Germany where neighbor reports neighbor and children turn their parents in to the State.

Vote Democrat Party and die at the hands of the Socialist United States.