Anonymous ID: bc2e91 March 10, 2019, 2:15 p.m. No.5611666   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1677 >>1809 >>2062 >>2083

>>5611087 (PB)


>He's not looking for "migrant" workers

>he's looking for skilled ambitious people


Annnnnndddd, apparently you believe we don't have any of those people in America…


>He wants to be choosy as to who is let in.


Oh I believe it… "NO WHITE PEOPLE ALLOWED" is now the sign hung on the gates of America. Sure, we'll bring in some Syrians, just not any white, Christian, Syrians. Oh no… NOT ALLOWED.


I told you we would cause migrants to come to America. And what happened? United States invades Venezuela, creating thousands of refugees. THEN, POTUS goes the Workforce Conference and says, "We have to bring in more migrants to fill all these jobs". THEN, suddenly the State of Florida states it is a "haven" for Venezuelan refugees. (Hey, where were many of those factories brought back to?)


>To improve business.


Oh sure… It helps "business". Particularly, certain businesses. More particularly, it helps the bottom-line of corporate-interests, because it encourages low-wage workers to migrate to America. IT DOES NOT HELP CURRENT AMERICANS.


In a year or so, POTUS and crew will talk about how well "Americans" are doing at their new jobs, he brought back. What you won't be told, is that none of these people were even American-citizens when WHITE-PEOPLE voted Trump into office. But, he won't need the white-vote by then… You won't matter any more.


>If you don't want to believe or promote the idea "Patriots have no skin color"

>Then you fulfill the stereotype/cliche of the bigoted Trump supporter?


There it is, folks… If you don't embrace multiculturalism, DIE-veristy and forced-migration to your nation, (You) are not a "Patriot".


Do you see how this propaganda works yet, folks? PAY ATTENTION…


>What exactly is wrong about POTUS trying to appeal to segments of the population who have been abused, targeted, used and lied to by the Democratic Party.



When constituents elect someone, they expect to be catered to, in exchange for their vote. Never in history, has a president pissed on his constituency and pandered to the base of the other side, so much. POTUS does this, because he has a LEMMING-BASE. He even said he could shoot a man on Main St. in broad-daylight and no one would care. He cucked you. He has (You) in his pocket. Period.


>President Donald Trump just does things better.


SAYING things and DOING things, are entirely different things.


Where that wall?

Peace with NK?

Most migration to US in history under Trump.

Mass-corruption, running rampant like never before. (It's like the Mob took over America).


But hey… those tax-cuts, amirite? Coupled hundred-dollars to shut my fucking mouth, right? Wrong…


>Wife's motto: "Be Best."

>Well he is.


Based on what? Tell me… EXACTLY… what Trump has done for you and your family, PERSONALLY. I'll wait…

Anonymous ID: bc2e91 March 10, 2019, 2:26 p.m. No.5611809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1821 >>1848 >>2090



Trump isn't going to do a thing for White people, unless he feels he could lose their vote… PERIOD.


He is not doing what is right… He is doing what is politically-expedient. WE THE PEOPLE called out the FAKE-NEWS msm, fraudulent-banksters, and corrupt officials. Q and POTUS just came along and parroted our sentiments, until they gained our trust. Then what? Fucking NOTHING, that's what…


(You) the white-voter, have not received ANYTHING you voted for… But POTUS tells you exactly what you want to hear, so you offer your unwavering support. Meanwhile, he panders to those who seek to displace you from your own homes.



Anonymous ID: bc2e91 March 10, 2019, 2:29 p.m. No.5611846   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1923



One, a wealthy Jew who claimed to be a poor, Hispanic, woman…


The other, a wealthy, billionaire with Jewish children. But, claims to be "one of /us/"…


Either way, Israel wins… and (You) lose. See how this works?

Anonymous ID: bc2e91 March 10, 2019, 2:33 p.m. No.5611889   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1942


>I don't need Trump to do ANYTHING for skin colors…I want him to do something for AMERICA….which is why I voted for him.


Yeah, me too… And yet, Trump spend 80% of his time pandering to blacks. And only 9% of them voted for him. Hmmmm…


>If he does not do SOMETHING…(keke at this point, anything) to stop immigration, to STOP pandering to Israel..fuckitol…we're ending right back where we would have been if Hillary had won…at least with HER it would have been over quickly…this long slow walk to doom….it's like…torture.


You get it…

Anonymous ID: bc2e91 March 10, 2019, 2:34 p.m. No.5611910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1927



I attached a meme, to my previous comments, via another post…


Don't get it twisted, faggot. This is why we think you're retarded-lemmings, who will do anything Q says, no matter what.


USE YOUR BRAIN, you twinkle-toed, pansy.

Anonymous ID: bc2e91 March 10, 2019, 2:36 p.m. No.5611931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1955



Pivot? I didn't pivot, or back-peddle. Jesus… I thought you fucks were supposed to be intelligent.


I shared a meme, to supplement the comments I made previously. AND BECAUSE NONE OF YOU COULD ARGUE LOGICALLY AGAINST MY OWN ARGUMENT, you instead come at me with this FAKE and GAY shit.


Go die somewhere, loser.

Anonymous ID: bc2e91 March 10, 2019, 2:44 p.m. No.5612032   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Fucking sad isn't it, man?… I feel like we lost a major-war, and our soldiers are so far-gone, they not only don't realize were losing, they actually think this is winning.


The black-pill of black-pills, is realizing your countrymen are not as tough as they talk. And that they will capitulate willingly, so long as a "friend" says it's okay.


Trump is going to have the Republican-party supporting open-borders, late-term abortions, and homosexual sex-ed classes for kids by the time he is done, at this rate. He already pissed away my vote. And I shit you not, I had to be one of the most die-hard supporters. But, I don't like being lied to. And I sure as fuck don't appreciate being abandoned. And, I'll express my frustration at the voting-booth.

Anonymous ID: bc2e91 March 10, 2019, 2:54 p.m. No.5612127   🗄️.is 🔗kun



  • Say bad things about POTUS and Q:

= enjoy the silence…


  • Say ONE bad thing about Jews:

= getting called a shill 10x times.