Does Rick Wilson pay in cash?
Bread 7176 [lb]
Human garbage disposal Rick Wilson should’ve been more clever.
Does Rick Wilson pay in cash?
Bread 7176 [lb]
Human garbage disposal Rick Wilson should’ve been more clever.
.@nowthisnews is the most amateurish propaganda.
GEN never calls Israel “evil,” or that Jews “hypnotize the West,” or that US politicians who support our ally Israel have “dual” allegiances.
Our former Defense Secretary is an American patriot.
@IlhanMN remains an Anti-Semite.
>But we have differing opinions on what constitutes a shill vs. anon, so we err on the side of civility when deciding whether board in-fighting constitutes noteworthy. And spam is never notable. This particular post and position has been posted many times, therefore not novel, therefore not notable.
In YOUR opinion
You don't speak for the board or for anons
As a baker, your opinion is no more valuable than any other