And take roofing jobs, framing jobs, concrete jobs…..
Chosen by God to be ugly as fuck.
Because they aren't white and they hate actual Europeans or anyone of actual European decent.
Synagog of satan.
Great American.
More than likely killed by the same people for the same reason.
Yeah, thats why I stole it.
Well he only ushered in the Federal Reserve, got us into WWI on false pretenses and tried to con us into the early version of the UN.
Fair question I guess. But Nixon took us off the gold standard and started the migration of American wealth to China. So fuck that guy.
Father of the century right there.
Damn you suck at this dude.
You right now.
I don't think this is the way to do it.
You could argue Roosevelt did just as bad, maybe worse shit.
I've never heard anything about Roosevelt being poisoned tbh.
That fucker better pan out.
Tell us you're not a boomer and a grandmother.