Anonymous ID: 592c38 March 10, 2019, 4:10 p.m. No.5613022   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3080 >>3133

Come on Normies…don't be afraid to answer this…engage whatever grey matter you may have left after your qonditioning


Riddle me this:


Which (((Hollywood billionaire mogul pedo murderer))) routinely traveled to Lolita Island on his big fancy private yacht…and who may or may not have paid of Bahamian corrupt officials NOT to inspect his yacht and make a note of his visit?


Which (((DC power couple))) is pictured partying on his yacht?


No one will ever convince me Trump knew nothing about him….and no one can convince me HE didn't know that if Trump were out for the high hanging fruit he would


  1. try to comp the power couple by having them on his yacht (which is what the "faithful" will claim was part of the plan…send them in to get evidence)




  1. Keep his damn head down and avoid anyone who may comp him…


So which is it? Why the flipping fuck would the (((POWER couple))) even go near this guy?


Trump is smart..he never flew to Lolita Island…but there's NOTHING saying he never went on a boat….just like this guy.

Anonymous ID: 592c38 March 10, 2019, 4:16 p.m. No.5613105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3166

>>5612908 (all pbs)

>HAMAS is the Kike sponsored/controlled group. Anyone with a google can confirm that. Anons, learn the joo tactics..


KEK thinks there are two sides…probably thinks there are two political parties too.


See this map (pic related)…with both Hamas and Hezbollah on Israel's payroll Israel has been able to use their attacks as an excuse to snatch up land…all the while (pic related)…woooo is us…POOR US… PIC related


Every time I see that map I get angry…and knowing that they're cooking up the same shit using OTHER PEOPLE'S BLOOD to create greater Israel…just burns my balls. ISIS is not soldiered by the brightest bulbs..their leaders yes but their cannon fodder are nothing but sad sad genetic inbreed retards who will do anything for allah…top leaders=jews…that's why Obama slow walked..Israel was blackmailing the shit out of him and his only pansy ass recourse was passive aggressive bullshit…I still don't know how he escaped full exposure.




The muh joo shill dude is like…WTAF does he think is gonna happen posting that shite every bread as IF…suddenly…we will be hypnotized into believing…nah, dude, jews ok…they're just misunderstood.

Anonymous ID: 592c38 March 10, 2019, 4:20 p.m. No.5613163   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Who said anything about it being Trump (the power couple..)…on the yacht and how does not drinking or smoking mean he never went on a yacht to Lolita Island?


Come the fuck on anyone got that pic of javanka posing with all possible joy with Geffen on his yacht?

Anonymous ID: 592c38 March 10, 2019, 4:22 p.m. No.5613205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3226


And a Israeli conveniently announces he was on the plane the day before and it had engine trouble…


Why is there always a Jew right before something blows the fuck up? And why the fuck do they always have to announce…'we're in ur airlines planting bombs in your engines"…

Anonymous ID: 592c38 March 10, 2019, 4:26 p.m. No.5613270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3291


Difference is Woods reported it right off and AMAZINGLY he was ignored…


THIS kike might as well have announced to the world…I fucking blew the plane up and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.

Anonymous ID: 592c38 March 10, 2019, 4:42 p.m. No.5613558   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's pretty bad when even SNOPES disagrees with you


> One of the practice flights may have occurred in August. Actor James Woods was so shaken by a flight he took from Boston to Los Angeles about a month before the attacks that he told an attendant and authorities of his suspicions when he landed. Woods was in first-class and the only other passengers in the section were four men who appeared to be Middle Eastern in origin.


During the entire six-hour flight, Woods noticed the men neither ate nor drank. They talked to each other in whispers and did not read or sleep. On Sept. 12, Woods called the FBI to tell investigators about his experience. He was interviewed by agents on Sept. 13. Woods’s spokesman told Reuters the actor thought it “prudent not to comment on this and let the FBI continue to do their job, which they seem to be doing superbly right now.”


it's actually everywhere


But I see how (((YOU))) would want to deflect off the bragging Jew who just announced to the world…it was engine trouble…honest…I was there the day before…SRSLY…yeah he was there…he planted the explosives…then bragged about it just like the dancing Israeli's did.."we were only there to document the event"…WTAFT? SO….jews admit foreknowledge…just wanted to take pictures and celebrate knowing the American public was gonna demand we invade Iraq…and once again shed OUR blood for Israel.

Anonymous ID: 592c38 March 10, 2019, 4:44 p.m. No.5613588   🗄️.is 🔗kun


fake and gay…posting fake shit isn't going to take the sting out of the real shit.


Making ludicrous claims to make real claims seem ludicrous is old Jew trick…not gonna work here brah.

Anonymous ID: 592c38 March 10, 2019, 4:50 p.m. No.5613683   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Brah, anonymous left this place over a year ago…autists gave it a fair on shot and there's still some left..I come here….there's something about the allure of hope…even if you know in your heart that…


but the normies? Especially the more religious ones? They eat breath and sleep this hope because magical thinking…versus critical thinking.


I believe Q is real…intel are taught to LARP as part of their training…but until I SEE something….you know..actually HAPPEN…then I'm going to remain an independent skeptical as fuck ANON…but to get the flagging spirits of the normies back on track all Q has to do is post a bible verse and an emotional appeal…works…ever. single time..


this is an actual learning lab of how to capture, direct, manage and occupy a vast amount of people and herd them into the direction you want them to go…and providing a disinfo platform to keep their targets off balance.


Q left Half because autists have an attention span of half a second if the evidence does not match the….


example…Las Vegas John was 100% real…it was said, done, and he was dead within a month..autists…they know what produces and what doesn't and they are just proving to Naval War College you can't herd cats…which is great.


There are still a few independent thinkers left but not many.