Anonymous ID: de91d6 March 10, 2019, 4:46 p.m. No.5613622   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3650 >>3651

Damn! I just spotted something that I've never seen anyone point out before. Not saying I am the first person to see this, but I haven't seen it mentioned before. Bear in mind, too, that I have long been sceptical of the whole 'It's not the Jews, it's the Jesuits' thing. That said, I was just listening to a talk on the Papal seal of Pope Francis, and I decided to look it up to look at it. And while I was looking at it, I noticed that it includes, not surprisingly, the emblem of the Jesuits (see pic). But while I looked at that, I started thinking about the THREE NAILS in the emblem of the Jesuit order. Anyone who knows the Hebrew alphabet should know that every Hebrew letter has an associated letter word and a number. Well, the letter word for the sixth letter of that alphabet is VAU or VAV, which means "nail", and the associated number is naturally the number six. So….


The official emblem of the Jesuit Order open displays three sixes or 666 for anyone with occult/Qabalistic training to see.


Their symbolism will be their downfall?