"These are waterless springs and mists driven by a violent storm, and the blackest darkness has been reserved for them. They make high-sounding statements that are empty. By appealing to the desires of the flesh and with acts of brazen conduct, they entice people who have just escaped from those who live in error. While they are promising them freedom, they themselves are slaves of corruption; for if anyone is overcome by someone, he is his slave."
2 Peter 2:17-19
▪Be aware. This is not a place of free thinking. This is a cesspool the very worst of humanity frequents to satisfy their need to hate, ridicule, mock, express their bloodlust and tear others down. It's the only way they can feel good about themselves.
▪Those who do not believe that Trump is anointed by God and Hillary, democrats, liberals, anyone who is not completely loyal to the Q narrative or just anyone whom this group chooses are evil demons who work for the devil and are being "paid to shill", or are 100% evil and are members of a satanic child kidnapping, torturing, and eating of children cabal Will be mocked and attacked mercilessly until you leave or conform.
▪You are not to use or post unapproved sources of information or even any information from approved sources that does not uphold said belief system of this board.
▪You are not to answer questions by anyone who is not already indoctrinated for fear your indoctrination will be weakened.
▪You are not allowed to watch, read or post from unapproved sources.
▪You must believe that Democrats are waging a coup on the US and trying to set up a socialist totalitarian regime despite the fact is that the GOP are the ones behaving like that and they are actually the ones in power.
▪You must not read up on authoritarian or totalitarian mechanisms for fear you may learn something you don’t like.
▪You must 100% believe that trump approved sources and anything he or his regime or the group says is the only source of real information and all else is fake news.
▪You must believe 100% that this "Plan" is GODS PLAN, and that he approves of the hateful, violent, malicious, bloodthirsty, lying, slandering, black hearted, foul mouthed, pornography loving, ungodly speech and behavior of Q followers here and is approved and backed by God regardless of what the scriptures or common sense say.
▪You must believe that all scripture shown to you that refutes your speech or behavior or shows what is going on here is wrong and not something God would EVER approve of or ask his followers to do in his name, is to be dismissed as “twisting the scriptures to advance an agenda" and whomever posts it is to believed to be a liar sent from the devil because “the devil also appears as an angel of light"
▪You must competely ignore or justify all of Trumps and the regimes criminality, lies, hypocrisy and ungodly, unscriptural words and behavior and believe he is sent by God because god uses imperfect people to do his will, even though the scriptures say otherwise.
▪All accusations no matter how ridiculous against anyone they choose, especially Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are to be taken as scripture.
▪You must believe that this group are the only people who are "awake" and everyone else are blind sheep being ruled by "them" (dark forces/deep state/etc.)
(This is not an exhaustive list of possible infractions.)
You will be attacked and mocked mercilessly, if you violate any of these until you either conform to the conditioning and peer pressure and become one of the attackers, or leave.
As you become indoctrinated to this attack conditioning, you will begin to conform and in turn become part of the attacking mob without even realizing it
They will then convince you that this indoctrination by attack conditioning and peer pressure is called "THINKING FOR YOURSELF" and being "WOKE".
"But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power; and from these turn away.
From among these arise men who slyly work their way into households and captivate weak women loaded down with sins, led by various desires, always learning and yet never able to come to an accurate knowledge of truth."
1 Timothy 3:1-7
“‘Therefore, get out from among them, and separate yourselves,’ says Jehovah, and quit touching the unclean thing; and I will take you in."
Corinthians 6:17
(–The Prophet Anonymous, Keeper of Numbers)