Anonymous ID: 340a6c March 10, 2019, 6:52 p.m. No.5615322   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5361

Venezuela aid truck torched by protesters, MSM finally admit… but of course Maduro’s still to blame


The outrage of burning a truck with ‘humanitarian aid’ for Venezuela galvanized western opposition to President Nicolas Maduro. However, now that mainstream media admit they were ‘misled’ on this, don’t expect any change of heart.


For the Venezuelan opposition and its backers in Washington, the needless torching of an aid truck bound for crisis-stricken Venezuela last month was a made-for-TV moment. How could a heartless dictator willingly destroy aid for his needy people? And when can we do something about it?


As the truck burned on a bridge spanning the Venezuelan/Colombian border, US Vice President Mike Pence said that “the tyrant” Maduro “danced as his henchmen…burned food & medicine.” National Security Advisor and regime change enthusiast John Bolton accused Maduro of sending “masked thugs” to torch the aid crates, while USAID Administrator Mark Green stated with confidence that the Venezuelan leader “ordered the firing on and burning” of the trucks.


Despite the fact that video footage, circulated within a day of the incident, appeared to show an opposition protester tossing a molotov cocktail at the truck, much of the mainstream media was content to go along with the official line. Column inches were given to ‘witnesses’ who saw Maduro’s troops set the convoy ablaze and, in CNN’s case, its reporters claimed to have personally seen Venezuelan riot police fire “incendiary devices” at the trucks.

Anonymous ID: 340a6c March 10, 2019, 6:54 p.m. No.5615356   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cycling world champion Kelly Catlin commits suicide aged 23, as her triplet sister reveals she 'has not been the same' since suffering a concussion three months ago - and tried to take her own life in January


Catlin helped the US women's pursuit team win silver at the 2016 Rio Olympics

She was also part of US pursuit squads that won world titles in 2016, 2016, 2018

Catlin was found dead by her roommate at their Stanford apartment on Thursday

Had been pursuing graduate degree in engineering at the prestigious university

Recently wrote about how juggling studies with cycling was 'balancing knives'

Catlin wrote that she had only 'just begun' to learn the ability to recognize her 'own weaknesses' and to 'ask for help when you need it'



Anonymous ID: 340a6c March 10, 2019, 6:56 p.m. No.5615395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5493 >>5689 >>5901 >>5978

Schiff Acknowledges Mueller May Never Get Trump To Testify


Democratic U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff of California said special counsel Robert Mueller should seek President Donald Trump’s sworn testimony Sunday, but seemed to acknowledge that outcome was unlikely.


Schiff, who chairs the House Intelligence Committee, said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” it would be a mistake for Mueller to conclude his investigation without interviewing Trump in person and under oath.


“I think the constraint that Bob Mueller is operating under is he had an acting attorney general who was appointed because he would be hostile to a subpoena on the president,” Schiff said. “And now he has a permanent attorney general who was chosen for the same hostility to his investigation and who would likely oppose that step.”


“I also think that the special counsel feels some time pressure to conclude his work,” Schiff added.


Schiff’s pessimistic assessment notwithstanding, Attorney General William Barr did not foreclose the possibility that Mueller could subpoena Trump during his January confirmation hearing for the attorney generalship.


“The question from me would be: ‘What’s the predicate?'” Barr told the Senate Judiciary Committee. “If there was a factual basis for doing it, and I couldn’t say that it violated established policies, then I wouldn’t interfere.”


The Supreme Court enforced a subpoena against former President Richard Nixon in the 1974 U.S. v. Nixon decision, ruling that he had to comply with special prosecutor Leon Jaworski’s request for the infamous White House tapes.


Who is the Kushner lookalike?

Anonymous ID: 340a6c March 10, 2019, 7:01 p.m. No.5615464   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If You Wanted to Pass a Law to Encourage Voter Fraud


On Thursday, on a party line vote, Nancy Pelosi’s Democrats in the House of Representatives passed H.R. 1, dubbed the “For the People Act of 2019.” It is a massive federal intrusion into the states’ constitutionally-protected realm of regulating and maintaining voter rolls.


It’s also a recipe for voter fraud. Republicans in the House correctly derided it as a “voter fraud and election theft” bill. But that understates how bad it is. H.R. 1 rolls out the red carpet for election fraud.


This is true in multiple respects. A few of the most outrageous provisions in the bill are the following: