Anonymous ID: acf86a March 5, 2018, 8:04 p.m. No.562369   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2389 >>2392 >>2416 >>2430 >>2434 >>2444



People have no idea how bad it is in public schools. I work in one and am getting a graduate degree in teaching. I actually had a mandatory graduate class in transgenders. Yup……..3.5 hours of a tranny telling teachers how not to hurt his/her (whatever the fuck it is) feelings.


The curriculum is dumbed down by design. They intentionally teach kids pointless stuff to keep them from doing well in life. Our 2nd graders just learned what a penny was yesterday. Today, they're talking about 900 cents. It looks like they're doing work, but they're not……just like the news looks like the news, but it's not. Mind Control.


I've heard the Rothschilds say that they intentionally dumb down everything. Popular music is not to exceed a 6th grade level. They flood the regular classrooms with special needs kids so the smart kids don't learn anything.


It's all be design. They exploded the # of special needs kids through vaccines, food chemicals, GMOs, + chemtrails. They force them in the regular schools. They dumb down the curriculum. Like Q says….they want the people to be dumb sheep.


Mind control goes down to kindergarten. Plus, they're building files on all the kids. All their computer work is done through Google/CIA/Cabal. They have all their classwork from 1st grade on and I'm sure they run it through all their data mining/AI progs. If they spot a potential "troublemaker", they'll find ways to fuck with him later in life. They've got a database of your child's mind.