Anonymous ID: e2344e March 5, 2018, 7:10 p.m. No.561935   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1970

MK Ultra is real - watched the movie "The Three Faces of Eve" with my mom tonight - it came out in 1957 and covers this woman with multiple alters. Apparently this was a really popular movie at the time. I found it chilling - she rotated between a mild mannered woman, to a boisterous night club singer, to a simple woman who was perplexed and didn't know who she was. Even in the 1950's these bastards were telling them what they were up to. It was so interesting how those who love her turned on her because of her state (reinforcing the idea that no one will love you) to the sympathetic doctor expert who wanted to say this was scientific and should be accepted. It turns out that this division in her personality stemmed from "trauma" she suffered as a six year old child. The trauma was supposedly having to "kiss" a dead body, but the message was, subject a young child to immeasurable horror and you can split them into separate people.

To all you CIA clowns who are lurking, we know what you are doing - you will all burn in hell. I'm not opposed if Trump sends you early.

Anonymous ID: e2344e March 5, 2018, 7:15 p.m. No.561988   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Agree. And they did it in 1988 with "The Naked Gun" - humor based, but MK Ultra controlled people are activated using a beeper to become assassins.

Anonymous ID: e2344e March 5, 2018, 7:37 p.m. No.562164   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm amazed how it turns out neocons are simply rabidly violent Ashke(((nazi))) liberals who want to kill the Russians at all costs (see any recent video of or article by Max Boot, Bill Kristol, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Pearle, Michael Ledeen, Jonah Goldberg, etc. etc.). These guys slobber over themselves ranting about how we need to nuke Russia. Yesterday. They are Trotskyites. Fuck all of them. They are part of the deep state and they will be facing Trump's wrath.