You won't get much argument here with that.
In reality, I wish you luck.
I just watched the most recent Blackpilled video. It sums up the plan and Trump pretty well.
You should probably check it out.
You won't get much argument here with that.
In reality, I wish you luck.
I just watched the most recent Blackpilled video. It sums up the plan and Trump pretty well.
You should probably check it out.
Good for sessions
Nothing came out of it.
The show continues.
The clown movie.
Protect the elite class
Just turned 48 and am doing the same.
But,i believe that this whole thing is probably bullshit.
Hope its not,but looking more and more like it is.
Back to the sheep farm. May as well. Ignorance is bliss.
No action by Trump on major promises. Lock her up was a good one.
Drain the swamp. Pisssshhhhhh. He hires Acosta,Epsteins savior.
Cant make this shit up.
Now,moar immigrants to replace American citizens and workers. Stop the ride. I'm getting off this cabal merry go round
Hey Q. Say hi to Acosta for me.
Tell him to get some more child molesters off with a slap on the wrist.
My brackets are filled in. If this is all a game i only have one letter in it.
[Deep State]
Or if we dont get that soon
Nothing [can stop whats] coming