>>5615737 (pb retard)
You apparently do not know that fucking old book as well as you think you do…
1) Israel Is Not A Fulfillment Of Biblical Prophecy: The appellation “Israel” in the Bible primarily refers to the “faithful” who make up the “Church.”
The “Church” as described by St Paul in Chapter 9 of his Epistle To The Romans is made up of the “remnant” of the Jews and the “Gentiles” of the nations. Together, as St Paul writes in his Epistle To The Ephesians, are fused into being “one new man” known as “Christians.”
2) The UN Partition Of 1947 Was Illegal: The UN awarded the Jews 55% of the land of Palestine even though their current holdings totaled only about 6% and their population was only about 35% (608,000) of all the Palestinians (1,237,000). The plan also gave the most fertile lands to the Jews but the mountainous regions to the Arabs.
In their War Of Aggression Of 1948 the Jews took additional Arab lands bringing their total holdings to about 75% of Palestine which they kept and never gave back.
Even though this additional land was illegally gained in violation of the Hague Regulations (1907) and the UN Charter (1945) which both included the basic legal principle that it is illegal to acquire territory by force, these new boundaries soon became the “official” boundaries of the new State of Israel.
3) The State Of Israel Has Created Chaos From Its Inception: War crimes, International terrorism due to the illegal “rogue state of Israel,” political corruption by the Jewish Lobby, defamation of character to all critics of Israel, Jewish racist ideology, world wide instability due to Zionist hegemony, growing Western fascism, American debt & inflation for subsidizing Israel, are additional reasons why Israel should not exist.
THE only places in your stupid ass BIBLE where Israel "exists" (it never exists) is the OT aka Pentateuch and Septuagint which was written by the fucking jews…Evangelical xians have blood on their hands and this backwards religion …explain how did the obscure god of an even more obscure desert tribe come to rule the world?
Son you will NOT like the answer.
And YOU can consider ME divided from you because anyone that thinks genocide is OK …well I guess you would considering "god" told his "chosen" to "go here, kill all these people don't leave a man, woman or child alive" the vengeful,warathful, jealous angry god…I think I can do a bit better for a god…than one that acts like a fucking human.
AND I strongly caution you not to get into a bible argument with me.I had it memorized by the time I was 12. You simply cannot win. So take your pathetic fear-based religion (all three abrahamic are fear-based)…and fuck off.