Anonymous ID: 688b32 March 10, 2019, 11:21 p.m. No.5619919   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9934 >>9941 >>9952 >>0042 >>0193


In your noble quest for knowlege, freedom, independent thought and "wakefullness" you have decided that hitching yourself to an angry online conspiracy theory group who uses attack conditioning and peer pressure to make everyone conform to their version of the truth and esteems tunnel vision, self censorship, highly restricted thinking and ignorance then tells you it's called "thinking for yourself" would be an excellent way to go about it.


Want to know how you got here? Read the Q genesis bible!




This is the word of Q, passed down to the people of the social media sites and chan boards from Mike Rothschild, a holy man ordained with keeping the history of the truth of our people alive. And who's holy writing is often found in 'The Daily Dot'

(Yes I know, unfortunate surname for a guy who does this sort of thing, but he's not one of "those Rothschilds")


And Mike Rothschild keeps company with a fellow prophet named Travis View who, with his hours of Silence Lurking and seemingly neverending quiet patience, brings the word of Truth to the people's of the Nations using his holy Twitter account and cool new podcast.


In the beginning there was OMEGA. And OMEGA begat NESRA which was written by the ancients in the late 90s, in a holy writing called "Draining the Swamp" by Harvey Francis Barnard. The holy writings, among other things, called for abolishing the Federal Reserve, banning usury and going back to the golden standard, amen.


And the word of NESRA was discovered by the demon Shanini Goodwin who Shilled for a false religion called 'Omega Trust' and she sold the valuable, mysterious and fictional 'OMEGA Units' to the peoples in a small town in Illinois. The word spread causing many to believe and give their money to the demon Goodwin, who's online name was 'Dove Of Oneness. She promised them the "OMEGA unit rollover" would make them rich and solve all their problems and was "Just about to happen, would happen within the next couple weeks, very soon, and any day now".


In time, the word spread, and the demon possessed many peoples, and convinced the peoples of many lands to put their faith in the "Omega Unit Roll Over Prophecy" which was really just about to happen any day now and very very soon this time.


But then the word of God came to Dove of Oneness and warned her that the Omega unit rollover prophecy was being held up by a Legion of devils called the 'White Knights' and that the people must band together and keep the faith alive until the White Knights could be vanquished so that the Omega Unit Rollover Prophecy could be fulfilled.


And there were many false prophets in those days warning of UFOs, Rogue Banks, and many other tantalizing, fantastical, but completely unverifiable happenings. The false prophets were even able to convince the congregation in those days that the government really did not exist at all.


And the word of God that had come to Dove of Oneness regarding the vanquishing of the Legion of the White Knights so that the Omega unit rollover prophecy could be fulfilled multiplied and was preached in all the lands so that the Omega unit rollover prophecy could finally be fulfilled and everyone could be rich and all their problems would be solved.


And she scammed many peoples and took their money but the Omega unit rollover prophecy was a false doctrine and eventually the forces of IRS bound the demon Shanini Goodwin and her false prophets and threw them in Tarterus where they died penniless and with many IRS liens.






Mike Rothschild - @rothschildmd


Travis View - @travis_view



(The Prophet Anonymous, Keeper of Numbers)