I want justice for myself and family members harmed by the vaccine program. Vaccines cause "developmental delays", vaccines DELIBERATELY cause auto-immune diseases such as lupus so that pharmaceutical companies can profit from drugs such as Humira (the most profitable drug on the planet, I believe). Vaccine cause egg allergies and other life-altering allergies meaning that a person cannot eat basic foods. Vaccines cause PEANUT allergies. If you did not vaccinate anyone (I don't know if the tetanus vaccine alone is bad, but DTaP and DTP certainly are) I believe most people would be vastly much more healthy. Henry Waxman a Democrat introduced the legislation that got us this debacle. His Childhood Vaccine Injury Act made it impossible to sue pharmaceutical companies for vaccine damage. This turned the deliberate injection of auto-immune promoting substances into a profitable endeavor for pharmaceutical companies. Why wouldn't foreign entities WANT to damage US children? I'm pretty sure from simple observation of the families around me that autism, developmental delay and other neurological issues affect MOST American boys, not simply a few (ONE IN A MILLION?!). This should be a "red pill" and a top NATIONAL SECURITY issue. Since every e-mail, phone call, text and etc is in the hands of C-A, FBI and other 3-letter agencies, if the good guys have this information now, THEY KNOW WHAT WAS done to us and to our children. https://bolenreport.com/anti-vaxxers-are-shifting-gears-big-pharma-terrified/
Lets talk Monsanto/Bayer (a match made in hell) and our food supply. Agent Orange was a defoliant (?). What is Round-up? The patented active ingredient in Round-up is glyphosate. Glyphosate is a mineral chelator (Why are Americans deficient in magnesium?) an antibiotic and potentially an endocrine disruptor. BUT Round-up has inactive/inert ingredients which ARE NOT DISCLOSED. What is 2,4 D? Could one or more "Round-up" formulations actually be very similar or even identical to "Agent Orange"? How did Monsanto breed plants "resistant" to glyphosate based herbicides? Genetic engineering? If a corn is patented how can it still be called and sold into our food supply as "corn"?! What is non-alcoholic fattly liver disease? Why do 100 million Americans have LIVER DISEASE? What is NASH (non-alcoholic steato-hepatitis)? Why do so many Americans need LIVER TRANSPLANTS? (Talk about creating a market for organs!) Non-Hodgkins lymphoma is likely caused by glyphosate based herbicides, but that is the TIP OF THE ICEBERG of damage from "Round-up". Why do children's behavior problems and chronic illnesses (even autism!) improve on an organic, wheat free, casein free diet? Why is Trump letting farmers go out of business? (Not sure on this one, but I think that if he actually let a lot of our GMO and Round-up contaminated crops get sold overseas our trading partners would eventually be very angry with us.) I see small-scale local farmers using non-chemical methods getting an enormous boost in my community. Which farms are PROSPERING today?