Here’s the list of companies our tax dollars are paying to data mine us citizens. Shouldn’t this be considered invasion of privacy. Aren’t there laws that protect us from such abuse
Unpublicized In-Q-Tel Portfolio Companies
Company Description Contract
Aquifi 3D vision software solutions
Beartooth Decentralized mobile network
CliQr Hybrid cloud management platform Contract
CloudPassage On-demand, automated infrastructure security
Databricks Cloud-hosted big data analytics and processing platform
Dataminr Situational awareness and analysis at the speed of social media Contract
Docker Open platform to build, ship, and run distributed applications Contract
Echodyne Next-generation electronically scanning radar systems Contract
Epiq Solutions Software-defined radio platforms and applications Contract
Geofeedia Location-based social media monitoring platform Contract
goTenna Alternate network for off-grid smartphone communications Contract
Headspin Network-focused approach to improving mobile application performance Contract
Interset Inside threat detection using analytics, machine learning, and big data
Keyssa Fast, simple, and secure contactless data transfer
Kymeta Antenna technology for broadband satellite communications
Lookout Cloud-based mobile cybersecurity
Mapbox Design and publish visual, data-rich maps Contract
Mesosphere Next-generation scale, efficiency, and automation in a physical or cloud-based data center Contract
Nervana Next-generation machine learning platform
Orbital Insight Satellite imagery processing and data science at scale
Orion Labs Wearable device and real-time voice communications platform
Parallel Wireless LTE radio access nodes and software stack for small cell deployment
PATHAR Channel-specific social media analytics platform Contract
Pneubotics Mobile material handling solutions to automate tasks
PsiKick Redefined ultra-low power wireless sensor solutions Contract
PubNub Build and scale real-time apps
Rocket Lab Launch provider for small satellites Contract
Skincential Sciences Novel materials for biological sample collection
Soft Robotics Soft robotics actuators and systems
Sonatype Software supply chain automation and security Contract
Spaceflight Industries Small satellite launch, network, and imagery provider Contract
Threatstream Leading enterprise-class threat intelligence platform Accessible code-driven analysis platform
Transient Electronics Dissolvable semiconductor technology Contract
TransVoyant Live predictive intelligence platform
TRX Systems 3D indoor location and mapping solutions
Voltaiq SaaS platform for advanced battery analysis
Zoomdata Big data exploration, visualization, and analytics platform Contract